Page 119 of Slay My Name
His eyes flew open once more. “Dee!” Should have been a roar, but it came out more like a weak growl.
The SUV twisted around him. Bent, broken. Metal dug into his side, cut into his legs and held him pinned in the seat. The steering wheel—shit, it felt like the thing was trying to go through his chest.
He couldn’t see Dee. The way he was trapped, Simon couldn’t even turn enough to see her.
And he couldn’t hear her. Not the rasp of her breath. Not the thud of her heart.
But he could smell—gasoline, rubber, and blood.
So much blood.
His. Hers.
Not Dee. No, not her.
The rays from the sun poured through the shattered windshield. He could feel the sun’s powerful drain on his strength. Human. That’s what he was right then.
And a human couldn’t get out of this metal trap.
“Dee!” His cry was louder now, but there was still no sound from her side of the car.
A long sliver of glass had shot through his right arm and embedded in the seat. Gritting his teeth, tasting blood, Simon wrenched his arm up.
“Dee? Babe?” He barely glanced at the mess he’d made of his arm. He grabbed what looked like part of the hood and heaved it back toward the broken windshield. He managed to shove it about four inches. I hate the damn sun. But those inches were enough for him to see. “Dee?”
Blood matted her blond hair. Her head hung limply from her neck, and blood dripped slowly, slowly, down her face and onto her lap.
He should be able to hear her heartbeat. Yeah, damn it, his strength was low, but he should be able to hear?—
Weak. So very weak. His breath caught, and he waited for another beat. Waited. Waited.
“Look at me!” A scream. Fury, fear.
But her eyes didn’t open and he could see why. There was so much blood around her. So many wounds. So much pain. Shit—it looked like someone had ran right into her. But they’d been hit from behind, not from the side, hadn’t they?
He shoved the broken metal again, freeing up more desperate inches. He could reach her now. Simon slid his fingers through that precious space and managed to brush her cheek.
Ice cold.
No throb from her heart.
The easiest way to kill a vampire…Everyone knew—make them bleed.