Page 128 of Slay My Name
She couldn’t walk away with a monster like him out there. Because there would be other families. Like hers. Like Nina’s.
Was she still alive? Where was she? Dee had thought of her when the pain eased and the bloodlust lessened. Zane had gone out scouting, but he’d found no sign of the woman.
Maybe she hadn’t gone after Grim. Maybe she’d just run.
Dee couldn’t blame her. Not a bit.
A harder knock shook the door. “If we’re taking Grim out, we need to move.”
Yet Simon stood, as still as a statue before her.
Because he was waiting on her to say something.
I’ll fucking love you forever.
But she didn’t know what to say. Her throat was tight. Her heart nearly ripping through her chest. And she was afraid.
When she loved, people got hurt.
So Dee swallowed back the words that wanted to rise up and she held his stare, so scared of what he made her feel.
Simon finally turned away and grabbed the clothes she’d put out for him.
Her shoulders fell. Emotion. She’d never been good with feelings. Never understood them, not the good ones, anyway.
Rage. Hate. Vengeance. Her life. Those she understood.
Love? That scared her. Love led to pain. She’d had enough pain.
But when Simon had said he loved her…
Her heart had stopped. Her breath had died.
Dee didn’t know what she felt for him. She wanted him, needed him, and if anyone tried to hurt him, she’d kick some ass.
Love—what was it, really?
Spending forever with someone? Her start darted to him. All she could see was his strong, stiff back.
Her hands still trembled so she balled them into fists. Not now. This wasn’t the time.
But things weren’t going to end like this.
Forever? Dee exhaled. Marriage and a picket fence had never been for her, she knew that, even before her change. Her life was too hard. She was too hard for someone to love.
No, Simon said he loves me.
She turned away and gave him a few minutes to dress. And she gave herself some time to get herself together. Seriously, she had to get a grip.
When he was done, she schooled her features, and they marched to the door. With a jerk of her wrist, she opened the door. Zane waited for her with his hands crossed over his chest. The paleness that had drawn his features before—because of the blood he’d lost—was gone.
His hooded gaze raked her. “You sure you’re up for this?”
Of course not. But there were only two options: Kill or die. Dee cleared her throat, then asked, “Are you?” She’d tried to ditch him once, and, in typical Zane style, he’d come through to save her butt.
She didn’t want to risk him, but knew there was no way he’d let her get in another sucker punch.