Page 134 of Slay My Name
When Grim’s jaw dropped, Dee attacked. She jumped at him, ready for his attack this time, and when he went to grab her, she drove her right hand into his side. Her claws dug deep, and the broken bones throbbed in a sickening wave. She rammed her head into him and her left hand came up, the stake ready.
She drove it right at his heart. It plunged into his chest, but he twisted and she knew she’d missed her mark. Dee wrenched the stake, jerking it to the left, and Grim snarled.
Then she took him down. Her right leg hooked under his and she tripped him, knocking him flat like Pak had taught her so long ago.
She kept that stake in him, because she would finish him, one way or another.
Hold on, Catalina.
Dee’s gaze snapped up just as Nina came barreling through the door. Blood covered her shirt. It reddened her hands and face.
“No! You can’t! He’s mine!” Nina yelled.
It was a fury Dee understood, but, really, dead was dead. It didn’t matter to her who made the kill. They’d all have their vengeance.
Fire raced across the carpet, coming straight at Dee. “Mine!” Nina screamed again.
Dee sprang back, slipped, and fell to the floor. If the Ignitor wanted her justice, fine, then she could have it.
Nina’s hands dug into the door frame and her breath shuddered out. “Had to…leave…witch alive…couldn’t let…”
The fire drifted into smoke.
Grim sat up. His fingers curled around the stake, and he yanked it out. Blood spattered onto the floor and the wall. “Nice try.” His teeth snapped together. “Last try.”
Nina sobbed behind him.
And color her fucking stupid. Dee’s jaw dropped. What had he told her just moments before? “I knew where you were, every minute. I knew.” Not because he’d linked with Simon. No, that link hadn’t kicked in until—until he’d broken Catalina.
That meant—hell. Her eyes lifted to meet Nina’s glittering and teary stare.
So blind.
“It’s past time for you to die,” the Ignitor said, not to Grim, but to Dee. Nina’s skin was so pale. The blood looked like bright red clown makeup on her flesh.
“He killed your family!” Dee snarled.
The Ignitor smiled. “That was the price.”
Dee didn’t dare look Simon’s way. If she could keep their focus, he might be able to break free of Grim. Maybe. “The price of what?”
“My services.” She waved her hand and fire snaked out to circle Dee.
“For my fire, he had to kill my family.”
Dee surged to her feet. “Why didn’t you just do it yourself?”
“Because they knew what I was.” Spoken with sadness.
Dee stared into her eyes and knew, too. It wasn’t that Nina was an Ignitor.
She was a monster. Down to the soul.