Page 141 of Slay My Name
“Missed…heart…barely,” she murmured the words.
“You just scared the hell out of me,” Zane snapped.
And she’d nearly killed Simon with fear.
“Over,” she said, voice whisper soft. “He can’t hurt us anymore.”
The voice was gone from his mind. The link cut. “Let’s get out of here.” Away from the death and back to the life that waited for them.
But Dee shook her head and glanced toward Grim. “Always come back…” Her hand lifted to her shoulder. Pressed hard. “They always…come back.”
“Not this time.” Catalina’s certain voice.
She came from the darkness. Soot and blood covered her clothes. Jude walked at her side, clad in a pair of jeans, and his woman held the witch’s arm, helping her to walk. “This time,” Catalina vowed, “he’ll stay down.”
She stopped near his body. Catalina stepped away from the shifters and lifted her arms. Her chant came, quick but soft, and the wind stirred.
Power. Licking in the air. So much power.
And not all of it was from the positive source a witch should use. Simon felt the taint of darkness and saw it reflected in Catalina’s eyes.
Grim had left his mark on another victim.
A ball of fire exploded—no, Grim’s body exploded into flames. Burned and burned until nothing was left.
Not even ash.
“Guess he won’t be coming back from…that,” Dee managed and they watched the fire sputter.
No, he damn well wouldn’t.
A reminder never to piss off a witch.
Bye, bastard. Have fun in hell.
* * *
“I didn’t die.” Dee felt like she’d been hit by a bus or a really hard stake. But then, she had. She winced as she lowered her body onto the chair that Simon had pulled out from who the hell knew where.
Catalina stood a few feet away, rocking back and forth. Her eyes were on the ashes that fluttered up into the sky.
A cleanup team was en route. Pak’s teams always moved fast. Soon, nothing would be left of this place.
Just the memories of what had been.
“Did you hear me, Cat?” Yeah, good, her voice was getting stronger because the blood flow from her chest had finally stopped. “Your future was wrong. I didn’t die. I’m sitting right here, I’m?—”
Catalina finally looked her way. “The night’s not over.”
Well, shit. Wasn’t she a ball of sunshine? Not that Cat really liked sunshine these days. Dee blinked. “Uh, you’re still alive, too.”
A shiver worked over Cat’s body. “Doesn’t feel that way.”
“No.” Softer now as she thought about exactly what Catalina might have gone through. How long she’d been with Grim and his little fire-loving friend. “I guess it doesn’t.”
Catalina’s shoulders squared. “I’m not going back to Baton Rouge.”