Page 70 of Slay My Name
It took a moment for her to realize that he wasn’t fighting her. His body was held too still, taut, like a wire, and he was just…waiting.
“Do it,” Simon rasped as bared his throat. “This is why I hunted you. Why I fought for you.”
Nothing was making sense to her.
“I killed for you, and I would have died. Died.”
The blood flowed so close, right beneath her teeth. Her tongue slipped out and slid over his skin.
Should have stayed with Pak longer. I’m not ready for this.
But she’d never be ready for this.
“Bite me.”
The bite gave a vampire power. Why would he want to be weak?
That blood…so close. She shuddered against him as she fought the beast she’d never known until now.
“I wanted you from the moment I saw you,” Simon rumbled. “I want you now. I fought like hell burning for you, don’t you see that? Woman, don’t you?—”
He jerked forward, and her fangs pierced the skin. Accident! No, she hadn’t meant?—
His blood slipped over her tongue. Warm and sweet.
A groan tore from his lips.
Her fangs sank deeper. The blood flowed faster. More, more. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and she freed his hands, the better to drag her fingers through his hair and hold his head so she could take.
His hands curled around her hips and yanked her tight against him. The aroused length of his cock shoved between her legs. Thick, hard. She arched her hips, loving that pressure even as she drank from him.
Sex and blood.
“More, Dee, take more!”
Helpless, she did.
His fingers fumbled with the button of her jeans. He jerked the fly open. Simon managed to push his fingers between them and shove down her jeans.
Heat pooled in her sex, and a hungry, vicious need ripped away her reason as she fed from him. Fed, for the first time on a living being.
This was what Pak had warned her about. This was why she’d given Zane kill orders. Dee couldn’t pull back. She wanted her teeth in Simon’s throat and she wanted his cock driving into her. What he’d done to her, who he was—didn’t matter. She needed him so badly.
Her body began to heat, from the inside out, and a rush of power and euphoria swept through her. She could have anything. Do anything. The world was hers. There was no stopping her. She could take and take and?—
Her hands joined his and they jerked her jeans and panties down even as she kicked off her shoes. But Dee didn’t free his throat. No, there was no way she’d stop drinking that wonderfully sweet blood.