Page 82 of Slay My Name
He spun a bit, looking like a fish on two big hooks.
Leo’s teeth snapped together. “You should have killed me. I’m gonna get free—gonna come after you! You should have killed me!”
“Don’t worry, you’ll die.” From Simon. Hard. Cold. Ice.
“You. You fucking bastard! You think you found your damn golden ticket, don’t you? Think you can get away just because you’re screwing the new queen bitch?”
“Queen bitch?” Tony asked softly. “That’s…ah…different for you, isn’t it?” He slanted a glance Dee’s way.
“The bloodlust will get her,” Leo screamed. “Only a matter of time, then she’ll fuck like crazy and she’ll drink from any fool she wants. Drink, drain, and fuck—and you’ll be just as screwed as before!”
Dee flew at him. Not deliberate. Not really. She’d just seen the stiffening of Tony’s body and?—
She launched at the vampire and slashed her claws down his chest. He howled and the blood flowed. And the scent tempted.
Dee began to shake.
“What the hell?” Tony exclaimed. “Dee? Dee, you’re not?—”
She turned toward Tony and knew that her fangs were out. Fangs, claws. Bloodlust.
“Fuck!” Tony scrambled for his gun.
Simon punched him. A driving, brutal punch right in the jaw. Tony staggered back, hit the wall, then the floor.
“Freeze!” A shout from one of the charmers. They both had their weapons out and aimed.
“Won’t do you any good,” Simon told them, coming forward and—what? The guy was blocking her. Shielding her. Again. Kind of sweet. Kind of— “You know bullets won’t stop us,” Simon finished.
No, but Dee wasn’t exactly excited about testing that idea. She’d been shot as a human, could still remember the fiery blast, and didn’t want to go through that again, thank you very much. “Don’t even think about firing at me,” she told the charmers, aware of Leo laughing softly behind her. Laughing—freak.
“Hold your fire.” Tony rose slowly, rubbing his jaw. His gaze traveled over her. “Dee?” His dark eyes snapped to Simon, and fury hardened his face. “You did this to her.” He had his gun out and aimed in an instant.
Simon, in turn, spread his arms wide as if to say, yeah, I can take it, so?—
“Not to her!” Tony roared.
Dee grabbed Simon’s arm and shoved him.
The bullet tore into her shoulder.
Her eyes squeezed shut. Still hurt like a bi?—
Her eyes cracked open.
Tony ran toward her. “I didn’t mean?—”
Simon caught him and lifted him by the throat. “You. Never. Shoot. Her.”
Um, he just had.
“I was aiming for you, asshole!” Tony shouted at Simon.