Page 17 of Burning Roses
The waiter offers me the wine list and I point to the most expensive bottle of red, guaranteeing the best service tonight.
As he leaves, Lili whispers, “I don’t drink alcohol. I’ll be fine with just water.”
“Why not?”
She shrugs. “I’ve seen the damage it can do, and I’d rather steer clear of that.”
“What damage?”
“My father.” Her eyes glisten with tears and she raises her glass of water with a shaking hand and blinks furiously as she attempts to bring herself under control again as she sips the cool liquid.
“Tell me about him.”
She drags in a deep breath.
“He died.”
“From alcohol?”
“Yes.” She nods, glancing down at the tablecloth that she suddenly finds interesting, and I say huskily, “My father is dead. We have that in common.”
She peers up and the tears in her eyes shine like diamonds as sympathy replaces anger.
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Me too.”
I reach across the table and do something I never do. I take her hand and run my thumb over her palm and whisper, “How did he die?”
She stares at my hand caressing hers and a little of her animosity slips away as she says in a low voice, “He was an alcoholic. He died from blood poisoning.”
“How old were you?”
“Fourteen.” She blinks and a lone tear splashes onto our joined hands and she sniffs, “I loved him. I wish–”
She breaks off as the waiter arrives with the wine and I could kill him right now. He has interrupted a moment, and I don’t have many of them in my life and so I drop her hand and lean back as he splashes a sample of wine into my glass.
I savor the distraction along with the fine wine and as the expensive liquor coats my throat, I relish the burn. I nod and he fills my glass and makes to fill Lilli’s and she smiles sweetly at him and says politely, “I’ll be okay with water, thank you.”
He almost bows and places the bottle on the table and retreats, and I take a moment to enjoy the experience. I am a lover of fine things. The best of everything and right now, in this moment, I really believe I have it all.
On the outside, Lilli is the perfect companion. Elegant, certainly beautiful and yet natural with it. Nothing like the fake women who usually dine with me. A lady perhaps with the heart of a wild cat. As I said. Perfect.
We consider the menu and after a while she whispers, “Please, can you choose for me? It’s a little overwhelming if I’m honest.”
“Of course.” I neglect to inform her that was my intention all along because one less reason for her to call me a bastard will be a welcome addition to the evening.
The waiter approaches and I place our identical order and as he retreats, I lean forward and take her hand once again, causing her to say in surprise.
“Why?” She cocks her head to one side as she nods toward our hands, and I grin. “Because I can.”
She makes to remove her hand and I grip it tightly and say softly, “I saved you from your biggest mistake. Don’t become mine.”
“What do you mean?”
She fires back, a challenge in her eyes, and as I caress her soft skin, I smile. “I have a proposition for you that you may want to give careful consideration.”
“Okay.” Her expression changes to a guarded one and I grin. “I will inform you of it when we return to the apartment. First, I want to know why you tried to take a man’s life today.”