Page 54 of Burning Roses
I stare in wonder as his mask drops a little and a deep yearning replaces the cocky attitude. He stares at the couple as we pass and reaches for my hand and pulls me closer. Then he tips my face to his and kisses me softly, almost lovingly, and whispers, “It’s a date.”
I swear every part of me relaxes and fills me with hope. Could this be something amazing, or is it just a game? Only time will tell, I suppose, but right now, I am exactly where I want to be.
Lilli will be the death of me. She is dragging out a side to me I never realized was in here. It’s her simple requests that mean the most. Most women want the gifts, the billionaire experience, and my cock. They don’t ask me about my life, my family or what I’m thinking. Lilli does. Last night we talked long into the night, and she was hungry for knowledge about me. The person, not the bastard. Now her greatest wish is to walk in the park with me.
I will never forget how that has made me feel.
I want to spend the journey talking some more. To discover everything about her, but I can’t. I’m on business, and this is serious. It’s Lilli’s life we’re dealing with and I’m not certain she’s grasped what that will mean.
Instead, I flick through my texts, emails, and messages while she glances out of the window with a dreamy expression on her face as we pass the surrounding countryside. As we near her familiar landmarks, I sense the tension in the air between us and I hate what will happen next.
Will she ever gaze at me with that dreamy expression in her eyes again, or will it be replaced with a fearful one when she sees first-hand what I am capable of?
I have a lot to lose, but also much to gain because Reggie’s diary could be exactly what I need to solve my father’s murder.
We turn down a suburban street and I stare at the houses with sadness. Do the respectable people who live here even realize what kind of monster lives among them? I wasn’t expecting this. I kind of thought we’d end up in the seedier part of town, but this place is well-maintained and probably expensive.
Lilli sighs. “It’s strange being back here.”
“Was this your home when your father was alive?” I ask, curious about her childhood.
“Yes.” She sighs and leans back against the seat.
“When he died, Mickey soon moved in. He was different from my father, rougher and not so kind. Mom loved him, but Reggie hated him on sight.”
“Your sister was a good judge of character.”
Her eyes light up. “You would have liked her, Mikhail. She was so beautiful and sweet and was the nicest person you could ever meet, and I always felt so lucky that she was my sister.”
“I’m sorry for your loss, Lilli.” I really mean that, and she smiles gratefully, the tears glittering in her astonishing eyes.
“Thank you, and I’m sorry for yours. Maybe that diary will lay a few ghosts to rest.”
I don’t say anything because I’m growing increasingly anxious that it’s still where she left it. I wouldn’t put anything past Mickey Gruber because I know his kind. Lilli has been gone for two action packed days and he will wonder where she is and it prompts me to say, “He will be angry you weren’t here.”
“I doubt it.” She shrugs.
“He was due back this morning. He was going out of town. He does that often, and that is why I stole his gun, knowing he would never find out.”
“What about your mom? She would have known you weren’t here.”
“No. When Mickey goes away, mom always heads off to stay with her friend Bernadette who hates Mickey and never visits when he’s here. Mom takes the opportunity to go and stay because she’s the only friend who still likes her.”
“So, they don’t know you left?”
That makes things easier, and Lilli shakes her head. “No. If they come home, they’ll just think I went out for groceries. It’s my job, anyway.”
She sighs heavily. “Along with the cooking, cleaning, and laundry. I am a modern-day slave.”
“A modern-day Cinderella more like.”
“Are you my Prince Charming?” She giggles and I swear my heart melts as I stare at her pretty face, that is glowing with an inner radiance that makes me desire her more.
“I am anything you want me to be, baby girl.” I wink and love it when her hand squeezes mine and she whispers, “You’re still an arrogant asshole.”