Page 62 of Burning Roses
“Firstly, mind your fucking language. You are a lady and I expect you to act accordingly. Secondly, you are still my captive, Lilli. That hasn’t changed and what I say goes. So shut up, curb the language, and accept your situation. You will follow my wishes with a smile on your face and in return, I will equip you with everything you need to succeed in life.”
I love the pure hate flashing from her eyes, and it’s as if I am coming home. For a while back there, I missed it. Things were too agreeable between us. I like riling her up and watching her try to deal with how it makes her feel. I want the passion in her, and I want to tame it. I want everything about her and if I wasn’t so fixated on this diary, I would be showing her exactly what I’d rather be doing to pass the time.
Now I hate him again. It’s so frustrating. How does he have the ability to make me fall a little deeper and then realize I’m way out of my depth? He is the most insufferable man I have ever met, and I am so angry with him despite what happened back at the house.
He has destroyed any friendship that was growing between us with his assholery ways, and I pointedly look away from him and wish I was one of those passengers on the other jet instead. At least they can decide what they do with their life. I can’t. Not until my debt is paid and yet knowing him, he will find a way to prevent that from happening.
I am fast realizing that Mikhail Romanov gets everything he wants in life, even if there are obstacles in the way. He just moves them aside, tears them down and carries on, regardless.
I am silently fuming as he settles back and flicks the pages of the diary, and I can’t even look at him right now. That is my debt to him. I am paying it back and yet he wants me too. I still don’t know why?
The engines start and Mikhail nods toward the seatbelt.
“Buckle up, safety first.”
I watch as he does the same and then the attendant drops down before me and says respectfully, “I understand this is your first time on a plane. I must just point out the safety features of this aircraft.”
Mikhail’s attention returns to the diary and for the next five minutes, Josie, at least that’s what it says on her name tag, explains what to do in the event of an emergency.
Rather than reassure me, I am now freaking terrified and as the plane moves and Josie heads back to her tasks, I am left wondering if this is such a good idea at all.
Mikhail says roughly, “Breathe, Lilli. This plane won’t kill you, but I might if you don’t fucking relax.”
“Language, asshole.” I say through gritted teeth, and he raises his eyes and peers at me with a sharp look.
“What did you say?”
“You heard me.” It makes me giggle at the look he shoots me, and he nods as if satisfied.
“Keep smiling, Lilli flower. You have nothing to be sad about.”
There he is again. The man who takes my breath every single time. The gentleman as opposed to the hardened criminal. He is a man of extremes and I love every one of them. I crave the darkness, but I desire the soft edges. I love everything about this man, and I already understand that one hundred days will never be enough to change that.
Take off is surprising. I love it. The speed, the sense of running headlong into danger, paints a huge smile on my face.
“Wow!” I gasp as the plane lifts off and I grin as Mikhail stares at me with a strange expression. “What?” I add as I grip the seat and smile my pleasure.
“You like it?” He questions and I nod vigorously.
“I don’t think this will ever get old.”
He laughs softly and shakes his head as his gaze flicks back to the diary.
As the plane climbs into the sky, I say with interest, “Have you found anything yet?”
“No.” He glances up. “You were right, though.”
“What about?”
“It’s not easy reading.”
I’m surprised when he sets down the diary and sighs heavily.
“You know, I’ve been to many events like this myself and I never realized some of the escorts weren’t happy to be there.”