Page 73 of Burning Roses
I knew this was a bad idea and my evening is probably going to go from bad to worse because when I lose my temper, it’s not a pretty sight.
We head inside and my heart sinks. Typical fucking sick shit. Outwardly, it all appears normal. Like any exclusive cocktail party where the wealthy swap favors to draw in even more money. However, the women with these men aren’t their wives. They are paid to be here for one reason only. I’ve done this shit myself countless times, more for something to do than anything else, usually to secure a favor or a business contract or to search for information that benefits our family business. Is that why my father came here? Was he of the same mind as me and that was the reason he used the same escort every time and left before the evening turned dirty?
I’m holding onto that as we move through the crowd, doing everything I can to avoid eye contact with men who don’t concern me.
Lord Lexington is hosting this event, and I wonder where his wife is tonight. I’m guessing she was packed off somewhere to enable him to play freely.
The man himself approaches us with a willowy blonde on his arm and she regards us coolly through appreciative eyes.
“Mikhail. It’s good of you to honor your father’s invitation. I was awfully sorry to hear about his passing. He was such a good chap and will be sadly missed.”
He doesn’t wait for my reply before he is scanning Lilli with lust flaring in his eyes and I grip her hand a little tighter intent on moving away but Lilli says quickly, “I don’t suppose you could show me to the restroom?” She addresses the woman by the lord’s side, who appears surprised but relieved to be asked.
“Of course.” She turns to him and asks respectfully, “You don’t mind, do you? I won’t be a minute.”
“Of course not, darling, just don’t take too long about it.”
As she turns, he slaps her hard on the ass, and as they leave, he grins lasciviously. “She is one of the better ones I’ve had. I’m looking forward to the games commencing. What about you?”
My blood is actually boiling, but it doesn’t show as I say impassively, “It’s always a pleasure.”
“Good lad.” He slaps me on the back and then lowers his voice. “Between us, your father always surprised me at these soirees.”
“In what way?” I don’t give him any sign that I’m interested, and he whispers, his breath laced with expensive whiskey and cigar smoke.
“He always came with the same woman and never deviated from her. She was a fine-looking woman, too. Slightly older than the usual type, but elegant and refined. An English Rose who carried herself well.”
“I believe he mentioned her.” I lie as I appear thoughtful. “I can’t remember her name, though.”
Lord Lexington chuckles softly. “They all have the same one. I asked him about her once.”
My ears prick up and he says conspiratorially, “He told me he preferred to know who he was dealing with, so there were no surprises.”
He shakes his head. “That’s what I love. The unknown and I have spent many a pleasant evening learning new things from a different companion every time. Sometimes more than one.” He lowers his voice still further and whispers, “I don’t suppose?—”
I cut him off mid-sentence. “No.”
He takes the hint. “I don’t blame you. Miss Steele has given you a new recruit, it seems. They are always the best sort and eager to make an impression.”
His lustful glare makes me want to punch it off his face and thankfully, he is interrupted by another man exactly like him.
“Hugo, it’s so good of you to arrange this. It certainly beats an evening at the gentleman’s club. Where is Mary? Somewhere far away, I hope.”
The lord laughs out loud. “Switzerland having her nose remodeled. I persuaded her to spend a couple of weeks there and, as they say, while the cats away.”
I edge away from them because I’m liable to do something I regret and make my way outside the room, intent on only one thing. Finding Lilli, then Beatrice, and heading back to the States for a date with destiny with the burning rose herself. Marsha Steele.
Chantelle was most helpful. As soon as we entered the restroom, I fabricated a story about it being my first time and I was told to find someone called Beatrice who would help me through it. Chantelle didn’t seem to question it either and as we head back into the main room, she points out a woman standing beside a man old enough to be her grandad.
“There she is beside James Fairfax. He’s the lord’s best friend and a regular at these events. Bad luck for her getting lumbered with him tonight. She couldn’t have been paired with anyone worse and at least yours is hot. I won’t mind swapping if you’re up for that.”
“Um, no, thank you. I’ll stick thanks.”
“You sound American.” She says in surprise. “You’re a long way from home.”