Page 75 of Burning Roses
“No. Your guy is much younger than the previous one, and the woman Heather was referring to is Veronica. She’s not really one of us, just pretends to be.”
“If she’s not Iris, why does she say she is?” I ask innocently, and she shrugs. “Probably because her date was married, although it doesn’t stop the rest of these rich bastards. They looked good together though, and obviously really liked one another.”
My heart sinks. Poor Mikhail. He won’t like hearing that.
She turns to me and sighs. “I only know because I heard them talking once. He called her Veronica by mistake, thinking no one was listening. You see, nobody divulges any personal information, it’s against the rules and can get you fired. Despite how we all hate it, the money is a year’s salary every night, so we put up and shut up in the hope of a better life, eventually.”
I picture Reggie at these parties, and it makes me angry. No wonder Mickey made her do it. He was pocketing the cash and using it to feed mom’s drugs habit. We weren’t the only family he exploited either and if he wasn’t already dead, I’d murder him in cold blood and accept my punishment with a smile on my face.
She sighs as she stares at her reflection.
“As it’s your first time, I should warn you. This time, you hit the jackpot with your date, but they are usually a lot worse than him. I’m not sure why he’s here because he could get any woman he chooses, and if I were you, I’d take that as a win and then find some other occupation.”
“Why don’t you?”
I’m curious and she shrugs. “I got addicted to the money. We never had much when I was growing up, and it’s good not lying awake at night and worrying about how I’ll pay the bills. I keep on telling myself one more time and yet when it’s over, I’m already agreeing to the next one. Most of my friends have regular jobs and struggle. They don’t understand what I do and merely envy my lifestyle. The places I go and the smart clothes and impressive car I drive.”
She reapplies her lipstick and smiles. “I’m in the process of setting up my own fashion business online. If it works out, I won’t need to do this anymore. At least not so frequently. It’s not so bad, anyway.”
I’m not sure if she’s telling herself that or me, and she giggles and winks slyly. “Most of these men are so old they don’t last long. A quick grope and a blow job and that’s usually it and I enjoy a night of fine dining and shit boring company in return for a year’s salary. It’s a no brainer, really.”
“I’m glad it works for you.”
She peers at me with concern. “Think carefully about what you want in life, Iris.” She winks, and I grin.
“You still have time to get out before you damage your soul for eternity. Enjoy your night with the hottie and remember the rest of us with the granddad brigade and consider if you could be one of us. Do it on your own terms, or not at all. Do you hear what I’m saying?”
“Loud and clear.”
I smile my gratitude. “Well, I suppose we should be heading back to them.”
She pulls a face. “Is it morning yet?”
Her pained expression gets my sympathy, and as we head back, I really hope we have learned enough to get Mikhail what he needs.
Lilli isn’t speaking much. She appears deep in thought, and that worries me. It’s as if a wall is building between us and I wonder what else she learned in Highfield house tonight.
We made our excuses and wasted no time in heading back to London and as we change for bed, I hate the sense of something coming I’m not going to like.
Lilli is a beautiful woman, but when she is dressed up in fine clothes and diamonds, she is breath-taking. However, seeing her now in a gray satin slip, her hair dusting her shoulders and her feet bare, she is immeasurable.
I love her like this the most. She is a rare beauty that doesn’t even realize that, and I could stare at her all night. The soft lighting catches the highlights in her hair, and she gazes out at the darkness, obviously deep in thought.
I can’t resist her and head her way, my chest bare, wearing gray silk pants.
I wrap my arms around her from behind and pull her flush against my body and she whispers, “I learned a lot today.”
I kiss her tempting neck and she sighs.
“I learned that life offers you options and not all of them are in your best interests.”
I say nothing and continue to inhale the scent of roses that is now my favorite one, and she carries on. “Those women, Iris Mahoney if you like, hated what they did. My sister hated it too and yet there is a difference.”
She angles her head so I can get better access and sighs. “The women tonight have it all worked out. They are using it to get a better life. To earn enough money so they can walk away and have enough to live their best lives. Reggie never had that option. She was a slave to Mickey, who used her with no regard for her feelings or welfare.”