Page 80 of Burning Roses
I watch the blood drain from Marsha’s face as Damien continues relentlessly.
“She has a child, Gabrielle Adams, who lives with her grandmother in Idaho. The courts awarded her custody when the child’s mother was arrested, and she has tried several times to get her back. The judge believed that placing a child in the hands of a woman with known connections to human trafficking, prostitution and drugs is not in the child’s interests.”
I interrupt.
“You see, Miss Steele, I am a businessman, much like my father was. We do our homework and anticipate any problems that may arise. I have come here for a name, that is all. If you throw in the address, I will hand you the file to dispose of as you wish.”
I lean forward and fix her with a hard glare. “If you continue to uphold your anonymity clause, I will be forced to hand this information, along with what I know about your organization and its members, to a journalist friend of mine. So–” I lean back. “What is your answer now, Miss Steele?”
She says nothing and for a few long seconds just stares at us with hatred blazing from her eyes.
Then she stands without uttering a word and moves across the room to the white filing cabinet.
I watch as she opens the third drawer down and pulls out a folder and as she heads our way, she says venomously, “I don’t appreciate men who come in here and threaten me, Mr. Romanov. I am disappointed that the son of a valued customer and, may I add, a friend of mine, felt compelled to do so. However, in light of your questioning and weighing up what would be in the best interests of the business, I will hand over the information you seek to protect my customers and staff.”
“That’s very noble of you, Miss Steele. I applaud your sacrifice.” I battle to remain impassive because we both know she had no other choice.
She holds out one hand to Damien and the other one toward me and as the files change hands, she places the one we gave her in the drawer and says icily.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, gentlemen, I have a business to run and I’m afraid our membership is now closed.”
I flick open the file to check its contents because I wouldn’t put anything past this woman, and I stare at the photograph of the same woman I found in my father’s possession.
Veronica Scott-Stanley. I finally have my name and when I read the address, I huff out a sigh of frustration. Fuck, why didn’t I come here first? I could have saved myself a lot of airmiles, not to mention time and trouble.
It appears that Veronica Scott-Stanley is a resident in England, not far from where we were just yesterday.
I hand the folder to Damien and lean forward to do what I do best and fix her with my darkest glare.
“If you intend on calling this woman to warn her of my interest, I will be back, Miss Steele, and–”
She says nothing and merely stares at me with a cold, blank expression and I continue.
“The next time you see me will be the last time you breathe. You see–” I pause for added effect and growl, “I am not my father, Miss Steele. I am much worse. If anything gets in my way I eliminate it and the fact you’re a woman doesn’t exclude you from that. Do I make myself clear, Miss Steele?”
She nods, a frozen expression of pure hatred on her face, and I nod. “Then we are agreed. Your anonymity clause will extend to this meeting because it’s in your best interest and mine, of course.”
As I stand, Damien does the same and I say respectfully, “Thank you for your help. I hope we never have the misfortune to cross paths again. For your sake, that is.”
I turn and walk away, comfortable knowing she won’t breathe a word. She is the kind of woman who does what’s best for her and alerting this Veronica woman to my interest will end up costing her life.
Mikhail returns not long after he left, and I’m still mad with him. If he’s trying to make me feel better about my situation, he’s going the wrong way about it.
I’m sulking in the library where I’m attempting to read a slushy romance and it’s making me mad because reality is way different to the fairy tale unfolding between the pages.
He leans against the door and fixes me with a soft smile.
“You are beautiful, Lilli flower. I could stare at you all day.”
“Then I’ll paint you a picture.” I say sarcastically and he laughs and eases off the doorjamb and heads my way.
I am still mad at him and glare into his eyes as he drops down before me and takes my hands in his.
“Would you do me the honor of taking a walk in the park with me, Lilli?”