Page 2 of Long & Hard
“Fuckin’ condom. Stay here, just like that, Drena.” Kade pulls away, leaving me bare and bereft. I somehow manage to do as he asks when all I want to do is run after him. Jesus, I’m hooked, and we’ve only been together once.
2 Kade
“Drena.” She’s out like a fucking light, dead to the world, head tucked into the crook of my shoulder. It didn’t take much convincing to get her to spend the night, probably because we were both depleted of any and all energy after the last round.
“Shhh.” I’d let her keep sleeping, except her damn phone keeps vibrating. It’ll go through a cycle, stop, and then pick back up again.
“Babe, I’d love nothing more than to wake you up with my mouth between your legs but your phone has other plans.” She sits up, nearly taking out my jaw in the process. I move quickly to avoid a bruise and watch as she crawls over me on her hands and knees, completely naked, her ass in the air. Damn, all the things I’d like to do to her in this position.
“Shit, what time is it?” Her voice is thick with sleep, making my cock thicken. I’ve been awake for hours, staying as still as possible as she quietly slept. The military ingrained an internal clock in our bodies, and even though I’m out now and have been for a couple of months, nothing has changed. It was a lost cause trying to untangle my body from hers. One small move, and she’d sink closer, whisper something incoherent only to settle back down. I stayed where I was since moving wasn’t an option and watching her sleep like a creep was all I could do.
“Almost seven.” She drops flat to her stomach, hand reaching her jeans and digging out her phone.
“Why the hell is anyone calling me this damn early? I don’t have to be at work until two,” she grumbles. Her day might be starting off rough by waking up earlier than what I assume she’s used to. As for me, well, my day keeps getting better and better. “Oh, for fuck's sake, it’s my mother.” Annoyance laces her tone of voice.
I might not have a mom, but I have a father, a shit one, too. There’s a reason my feet moved me to a recruiter’s office the second the ink on my high school diploma was dry. The man thinks he walks on water, will use anyone he can, male or female, as a steppingstone to get what he wants. We severed ways when I joined. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps. Too fucking bad I wanted nothing to do with his type of bullshit. My first stop was testing and I passed with flying fucking colors. The Army Rangers wanted me and I gave them my life for the past eighteen years. In return, I received a paycheck, invested wisely, and when I was medically discharged, my place on the beach was paid off. I’m getting a nice little package, and life is good, really fucking good now that I think about it.
“Everything okay?” She doesn’t respond. The only thing she’s focused on is texting back whoever was blowing up her phone. Drena’s stomach is lying on my cock. I lift my hips, and my hand slides along the back of her thigh, moving closer to her ass.
“Yes, no, maybe. My mother is insisting to have brunch today. Who brunches in the middle of the week? She knows my hours at the music house are from two to eight Monday through Friday. It’s not like I work a normal nine to five.” She slides backwards, dropping her phone back on the pile of clothing. In doing so, my hand cups her ass, thumb sliding between her thighs, and I feel her heat. “Kade.” I still what I’m doing. The tone of her voice is different than last night. While there’s still a yearning for more, there’s also something else.
“You need me to stop?” That’s the last thing I want, but if she’s gotta go or is too sore, I’ll be damned if I take this further.
“Umm, not necessarily. Maybe a brief intermission. I need sustenance, big guy.” She may say she’s hungry, but the way she’s grinding against me tells me a completely different story.
“Fuck, completely forgot to feed you last night.” I take my hand away, so close to fucking her with my fingers. I’ll be damned if I let her starve though, not when I’m more than capable of scrounging up some food.
“It’s okay. Food was the last thing on my mind. Unfortunately, it’s a necessity now.” I sit up, my arm going around her waist. The sheet drops down, and Drena gets with the program. She wraps her legs around me, and my hand slides up her spine until my fingers tangle in her raven-colored locks.
“Food, shower, and bed. Then I’ll take you home to get ready for work.” Her brown eyes darken to molten lava, her nipples pebbled tighter against my chest, and I can feel her wetness coat my bare length. Jesus, holding myself back from lifting her up in order to slam her down on my cock is taking everything I have.
“Kade.” She’s not agreeing or disagreeing. Her body, though, is telling an entirely different story. One that says she’d rather not do anything except stay in bed all day. I’d be down for that, except her stomach takes that moment to let out a loud growl. “Well, that’s embarrassing.” A bubble of laughter erupts from her as she places her hand on her stomach.
“Nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m not sure what all I have in the fridge, so it may be slim pickings. Hitting the grocery store wasn’t on my list of priorities.” Fuck, it still won’t be until later this evening. I’ve got to stop by the surf shop and see how things are going. While I was still doing time in the service, a buddy of mine was being medically discharged himself. Rhodes is a good six years older than me and he had nowhere to call home. I told him to crash at my place when he got out, if that’s what he wanted. My house was sitting empty, so he used it until he got his feet back on solid ground, figured out if the coast of Florida was for him. Fast forward six months, and Rhodes found a place of his own. I had leave six months later, he had an idea, needed an investor, and now I’m half partner of a surf shop called Whitecaps.
“I’m not picky, unless you to try to feed me eggplant or mushrooms. Then all bets are off. You’ll never see me again.”
“Pretty sure you’re safe from those ingredients today. I’m thinking the only thing you’re going to get will be eggs, toast, and coffee.” And I’d have to thank Rhodes for having the forethought to pick up a few things.
“Thank goodness.” My hand tightens its hold in her hair, tipping her head down. I’m going to need another taste of her to get through breakfast, that’s for damn sure.
“Mouth, babe,” I demand.
“Morning breath, big guy.” She’s staying still, too still.
“Don’t give a fuck.” She doesn’t get another word out before my mouth is on hers, and there are no pretenses. I take what I want from the woman I only met yesterday, and she gives herself over to me completely.
3 Drena
“Thanks for last night and breakfast and the ride home.” I’m back in last night’s clothing, minus my thong. There is no way I’d wear dirty underwear home. True to Kade’s word, he fed me, bathed me, and took me once more. This time, it was with me bent over in the shower, hands flat on the tile wall, and him hitting me deeper than he did last night. My thighs, my hips, and my lower back are currently feeling the aftereffects of him and his powerhouse ways.
“Not a problem, babe. Hand me your phone.” I take the device out of my back pocket and unlock it, figuring we’re exchanging numbers, which may be presumptuous of me. I wait patiently while Kade does his thing, pulling out his own phone, which I see light up. His fingers fly seamlessly over the screen with ease. The ringing alerts me of what he’s doing. Kade isn’t just inputting his number in my phone, he’s making sure he has my number as well. “I’ll call you later.” He places the device in my hand.
“Alright,” I reply, unsure if I should hug or kiss him. I mean, he’s already done way more than any other man I’ve been with ever has, and honestly, it’s refreshing.
“Not gonna put my mouth on you again, Drena. I do that, neither one of us will get shit done,” Kade answers my internal thoughts, and while I understand what he’s saying, I’m still bummed about it.
“Yeah, I better go.” Walking away from this man is proving difficult. Especially when his hand cups my cheek softly, his thumb dragging along my lower lip.