Page 4 of Long & Hard
“Yeah, follow-up. My knee has been acting up. Got an MRI last week. They think a piece of shrapnel is trying to shove through. I find out the results today.” Fuck, that’s gonna be a bitch and a half.
“Let me know how it goes. You need the time off, take it. We can figure the store out either way,” I offer.
“Sounds good.” We nod at one another and the conversation is over. He’ll reach out, or I’ll shoot him a text later. It’s time for him to head out, and well, as for me, I’m about to get acquainted with the store really fucking fast.
5 Kade
The good thing about being co-owner of a shop is being able to open and close when you want. There was a lull around five o’clock, and since there hadn’t been a sale for the past hour, I closed everything up. Rhodes left a checklist of sorts, so it didn’t take too long. Turn the lights off, clean up the display, shut down the register, and put the cash in the safe. Shane was already done for the day hours earlier, so his side was already locked up, which made it even easier. Once I was done at the store, I headed home to trade two wheels for four. The need for more food besides the bare minimum became a requirement after I talked to Drena earlier this afternoon in between customers. I wasn’t sure if she’d answer while she was at work, and by the third ring, I’d all but assumed she wouldn’t. Luck was on my side when her breathless hello carried through from the other end of the line. We made plans for me to pick her up when she was through with her day. Neither of us lingered on the phone, me because I wasn’t much of a phone conversationalist, Drena because a student must have made an appearance. I could hear the piano in the background while a younger child asked if she was doing it right. Our conversation was short and sweet after she told me what time she’d be off. That gave me enough time to run my errands, come back home, clean up a bit after last night, and grab my surfboards out of the garage to set them up out back. I was tempted to change into a pair of board shorts and head out to catch a few waves. The lack of sets coming in was the only reason stopping me. Instead, I took to cleaning off the back patio, surveying how the grill weathered with the salty air coming from the shore. The cost of doing business with the beach being your backyard but it’s worth it . Everything was good to go, and with my time dwindling down, I knew it was time to get the steaks marinated, as well as the cutting the potatoes into rounds, so all I’d have to do when we came back home was assemble the salad.
I locked up my place and grabbed the keys for my bike. It’s too fucking nice out to be enclosed in the truck. Plus, there's nothing better than having Drena’s body wrapped around me, the wind in her hair and the sun beating down on our bodies. Now I’m parked on the street in front of Drena’s place after only being in the same exact spot hours earlier. There were no pretenses. When you know, you fucking know. After a taste of her, I was manning up. She’s fucking beautiful, has a spark to her, makes me feel alive, and goddamn, but I love the way she comes on my cock. I pull out my phone and shoot a text to the woman who’s got me ready to do shit I’ve never thought about before.
Me: I’m here. No need to rush.
Drena: See you soon.
She doesn’t respond further, probably picking up after working all day. I’ve got no idea what all her job entails. All I know is that when she spoke about it, her eyes lit up. A few minutes later my attention is captured from someone saying their goodbyes that’s not the only thing either. I watch as Drena interacts with what I’m assuming is her student and damn does it do something to me.
“Bye, Miss James,” I hear a little girl say as I place the phone in my pocket. I’ve yet to hear from Rhodes, which means I’m either gonna have to call the asshole, stop at his place, or wait to see if he comes to the store tomorrow before he tells me what the fuck is going on.
I watch as a Drena holds the door open for the little girl and her mother. The little girl looks at her teacher like she’s the keeper of the stars. Fuck, yeah, I get it, too.
“See you next week, Arabella,” Drena responds.
“Thank you again, Audrena. I really appreciate you making time for Arabella’s lessons.” I’m assuming it’s the little girl’s mom, but hell, for all I know, it could be a nanny or grandmother. I know if my mom were still around and had a family, she’d tote her grandbabies around to help any way she could.
“Hug!” The student stops in her tracks, spins around, and runs back to Drena. Never in my life did I consider settling down, having a wife or a family. One day with Audrena James is changing everything.
I want to love this woman with everything I’ve got.
I want to see my ring on her finger.
I want to see her pregnant with my child.
My head fucking spins, dizzy with the knowledge that I’m going to do whatever it takes to make this woman mine. I’m going to be the kind of man she deserves, nothing like my father. I’ll be the man my mom tried her hardest to stay alive for. In the back of her mind, she had to know what Dad was really like, even if she loved him as much as I know she did. Death can change people, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst. Dad is definitely the latter. In my eyes, he’s not much of a man, more like a shell of the person he once was.
Drena catches my attention, holding up her finger in a give me a minute signal. I nod, not worried about having to wait for her. I could have stayed home a bit longer before riding over. Probably could have at least called Rhodes to figure out who would be opening tomorrow at the very least. Fuck, I was not thinking about planning tomorrow morning. Maybe we can work out a plan where he opens and I close. Hours that coincide with Drena’s wouldn’t be a bad idea.
“Sorry about that. My last lesson ran over a few minutes, and I wanted to change out of my work clothes.” She comes out faster than I thought possible. Her once loose hair is now up in a messy bun on top of her head. The dress she was wearing was replaced by a tank top, jean shorts, and canvas sneakers. She’s got a small bag strapped to her back, and I’d say Drena is coming prepared this time.
“Not a problem. You got everything?” My hand reaches out to help her slide behind me.
“Yep, I hope you don’t mind. I brought a change of clothes as well as a bathing suit, and toothbrush.” My guess is answered with her response.
“Not at all. You ever surf?” I ask.
“With a board, no. Body and boogie boarding, heck yes.” A smile tips up my lips, one that I’m letting her see.
“Gonna get you on a board tomorrow morning.” Her foot goes to the peg, and she uses it to lift her body up and over until she’s planted behind me.
“I can’t say I’ll be any good, but I’m game,” she says as she settles behind me.
“You’ll do fine.” I start up the bike, the exhaust echoing along the quiet street. Drena lives closer toward the downtown area, whereas I live on the beach.
“If you say so,” her voice whispers across my ear. Her arms wrap around my waist, and then we’re heading off. I’m ready to take her back to my place for a lot fucking longer than the night.
6 Drena