Page 16 of Tats
Fucking Dad and his stupid ideas.
Maybe I can get Vi to give the little bitches a visit, she loves Scar. The number of times Vi's been scolded to get back to work every time Scarlet goes in to see Grams is hilarious. They get along really well, and have become friends.
I smile at the thought before quickly bringing her number up and calling her on Bluetooth.
She doesn't say hi when she answers, instead stating, "Tats, I'm at the café at the moment, and I haven't thought about your idea yet…. Okay, that's a lie, I have, but I'm still thinking about it. Any chance you could call me tomorrow? I have the day off."
I grin at her words as my sister lifts her head and looks at me in confusion.
Clearing my throat, I say, "Three girls decided to befriend Scar to use her for their math homework. I've just picked her up in tears, hair a mess, and a scratch on her cheek."
I wait a few seconds as more tears fall from my sister's eyes, causing me to keep one hand on the wheel while I wrap my arm around her shoulders. Violet explodes, making my sister laugh.
"That’s it. What are their names? Where do they live? They are dead—dead, I tell you. Dani, I need time off, I have teenagers to hurt; they made our Letti cry!”
I laugh as Dani replies, "One, you're about to clock off in five anyway, and two, who the fuck made that precious girl cry? You tell me, and I'll grab my rolling pin."
Scar giggles, making my heart melt. I fucking wish I was good enough for Vi, I really do.
"Thank you, Shorty," I say softly.
She sighs. "I meant it, Tats. Where can I find these girls? No one hurts Scar, no one."
I smile, Kellen's words hitting me once again, ringing true. I am half in love with her, fuck, maybe even fully in love, but I can't have her that way. I'd only end up destroying her, and if not me, then the club.
I might be bound to the life for now, but she's not. Casual is all I can give her, because if I don't have the option of fucking others, then I know she'd consume me, and it'll kill me to lose her. At least this way, I still have a part of her while keeping my best friend.
"I know, Vi. I needed my sister to laugh right now, and you've done it."
She hums, stating, "I will always make her laugh," making me smile, knowing she sees my sister as her own.
Five minutes later, a prospect whose name I don't remember lets us in the club compound. Vi spoke to Scar to ensure she was okay and got all the details of what happened, which only angered me more when she admitted one of the girls dragged her off a chair by her hair when she refused to do their work. Vi also managed to get the address out of Scar, making me wince. The last time someone said something nasty to my sister, they had all their clothes burned, and to this day, I don't know how Violet did it.
The sheriff knew it was her, not that he did anything about it, though. If anything, he gave her a high five.
I park then help my sister out of the truck and wrap my arm around her shoulders, guiding her into the clubhouse. Momma sees us instantly, her eyes going dark as she sees the tear stains on Scar's cheek along with the scratch before she rushes over to us. She cups Scarlet's cheek before looking my way.
"Please tell me you got all of their addresses?"
I grin at Momma's words as Scar giggles and rasps, "Violet has already sworn to avenge me, and I’m pretty sure I broke Elena’s nose."
Momma’s eyes shine with pride before she winces and asks, "Should I feel sorry for these girls? I'm kind of scared to see what Vi does this time."
I laugh and shake my head, knowing they're in for a world of pain. Momma kisses my cheek, and I tug on Scar's ponytail as she hugs me tightly, whispering, “Thank you for always being there for me, big brother. I love you,” before heading to the club backdoor with momma.
I wait until they've gone before turning around, not wanting to stay in this room. It looks like the whole club is here, including fucking Snatch.
The fact my father kept her around with Momma says a lot about him.
Just as my hand touches the door handle, my father's voice rings out, making me sigh.
"Are you not even going to have a drink with your brothers or your own father?"
I shake my head. "I have somewhere else to be."
He chuckles before sniping, "Yeah, I bet," making me freeze at his insinuation before I slowly turn around. The room has quietened, but my focus is on a man who I've tried my fucking hardest to make proud of me, when all he's done is treat me like an enemy.
"And what's that supposed to mean, Dad?" I ask, and he shakes his head, clearly wishing he hadn't said anything, but I'm fucking done with this shit. I walk down the steps and head his way before getting in his face, making his eyes widen. I growl, "Let me fucking guess, I'm a traitor, right?" He freezes in shock. I continue, "Because I keep to myself, not wanting to do more for the club than I have to, so it means I'm not trustworthy, correct Dad?"