Page 44 of Tats
His momma wanted Breaker's patch, she didn't get it, but Noah did get a great dad.
Unlike my man.
The day after he went to the club, his phone kept ringing. He was busy, and I may have “accidentally” looked at his messages. His ass of a dad called him selfish—fucking selfish—for threatening to hand in his patch. The man wasn't even there for Jayden growing up, and my anger got a hold of me. I couldn't stand there and not do anything. The man should feel grateful to have a son like Jayden.
I blink as I leave Patty's room and head to the laundry room, my mind on the message I sent to Jayden's dad, Iron, while ignoring the one from Dexter demanding to know where I'm living and how I can afford to move again.
My memory of the text from Iron invades my brain.
I pace the gorgeous kitchen, which has black counters, white tops, a stainless-steel fridge, and dark wood walls.
I may have, sort of, read Jayden's messages. Jayden, who is currently in his basement kicking the crap out of the boxing bag with music blaring, hasn’t read them yet. He came home late last night but was up before I was. I went down to see him, and he explained everything, all while hitting the bag, forcefully. Ever since, his phone has not stopped pinging.
It goes off again, and I look at the screen.
I sigh and pace again. That's the twelfth brother to call him.
He told them he has three months left.
I shake my head as I look toward the basement door, wishing I could help him through this, but I know I can't. All I can do is be there for him.
His phone pings and I see it’s Iron. I swallow hard as anger shoots through me.
Dad: What the fuck is wrong with you? Threatening to hand in your patch after everything I've done. How fucking selfish can you be? Stop acting like a child and answer your phone before I come fucking find where you live and beat some sense into you.
My hand tightens on the phone. That son of…. Nope, not going there. I love Betty and her crazy ways, and I will not call her a bitch.
I look at the basement door again before muttering, "Fuck it," and grabbing my phone from my pocket. I copy Iron's number, ignoring the message from Dexter, before quickly removing Iron's message from Jayden's phone. I am not letting the idiot to further ruin his relationship with his son. I place Jayden's phone back on the kitchen counter, before heading to the couch, taking a seat, and letting my thumbs work.
Unknown: This is the only time I'm going to warn you. Don't ever message your son such bullshit again because, I can promise you now, you will lose him. You don't fucking deserve him. You need to open your eyes and see how you've treated him over the years, how his so-called family has treated him all because you couldn't keep it in your pants. I've deleted your message, and you should be fucking grateful because we both know he'd say fuck the 100k and hand in his patch now!
I let my thumb hover over the send button. This man deserves no help from me, but Jayden doesn't deserve this treatment from his own father, either. The man may think everything is fine, but up until he met his wife, he was a nonexistent figure in his son's life.
I hear the stairs from the basement creak and quickly send the message, just in time for Jayden to walk into the kitchen in a pair of long, black shorts. His body is glistening, covered in sweat, and his tattoos standing out.
I bite my bottom lip as my eyes eat him up before we lock gazes. He grins, seeing my entrancement, before I drop my phone on the coffee table and get up, heading his way quickly. He opens his arms as I jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist, and making him laugh—a sound I love to hear.
I blink and clear my throat as I load the industrial washing machine, my lady bits tingling. I do not need to be horny right now, especially when I promised Betty I'd pop by and see her before I clock out.
Twenty minutes later, I smile wide, seeing Betty glaring at Patty, who's on the other side of the lounge, as I walk into the room. Valerie, the woman Jayden use to screw, and Claire, her friend and housekeeper here at the home, are gossiping near the door. I ignore them and walk over to my favorite woman.
"Betty, will you stop glaring at the woman!" Tims snaps, and I chuckle at the cold look she sends him, making him groan. "Fuck, I'm not going to get any tonight, am I?"
I gag, making them both look my way as I state, "Please, no sex talk in front of me; my little ears cannot handle it."
Tims smirks while Betty snorts before retorting, "I'm pretty sure you're not a virgin, darling."
I can feel my face heat as I shake my head and take a seat. "You're right, I'm definitely no virgin, but you're like grandparents to me. My ears don't need to hear that, it's bad enough I've walked in on it."
Tims grumbles at the virgin bit, making Betty and me laugh.
Valerie's big mouth can be heard as she says, "My boy Tats is finally here. He's promised to take me to the closet again, and I cannot wait. My pussy missed him this past week."
I swallow my laugh, knowing he hasn't touched her in years, unlike Betty, who doesn't know that and growls loudly, making Valerie smile and continue to talk crap about my man.
The more she talks, the more I want to throat-punch her, but I know I can't.