Page 7 of Tats
I go down the yellow-walled corridor toward the lounge. Suddenly, my stomach tightens and my heart races, making me furrow my brows as I look behind me. No one was there. I look ahead, and my breath instantly halts.
Fucking hell.
Light blonde hair in a neat bun, wearing a smart blouse, black trousers, and heels.
I blink as memories from college hit me. The last time I saw her….
I get to the Dean’s office, ready to sign off this fucking experience now I've gotten my A on my last exam. I refuse to walk across a stage with family screaming in the audience for me when they don't give a fuck. So I want my diploma now, especially when no one has even asked when graduation is.
I turn around the corner, stopping short, when I see the blonde from last night who tried to kiss me. After that, everything was a fucking blur. All I know is I woke up alone with fucking blood all over my cock and four condoms on the floor.
I thought maybe I fucked someone on the blob until I saw only one condom had blood on, which means I took someone's fucking virginity who then decided not to stick around, which was probably for the best. I don't need someone I don't remember fucking looking at me with stars in their eyes.
I never fucking touch virgins, fucking never.
And the bitch took my shirt. Though I did find hers on the balcony, torn, her bra and panties in the covers, which could explain the shirt. I mean, it was my best fucking one, though.
The blonde grins at me, walking over, then slowly gliding her hands up my chest, making me raise a brow at her gall. I look up, a tingle shooting through me like always when she's around. My eyes connect with gorgeous, nervous-looking caramel ones.
She eyes the blonde I honestly forgot about even as she kisses up my neck. I go to push her away to see if Vi is okay, but her eyes tear up, and I blink in confusion as words swim around my head.
"Just one taste…."
Ms. Levs calls for Vi, making me shake my head. I look to my left, only to notice Donald, our town's sheriff and Snake's uncle, standing there.
I push the blonde away and walk over to him. When I see sadness in his eyes, I pat his back, asking, "Everything alright, Donald?"
He smiles at me, but it's tight, and I stiffen as he looks at Violet and clears his throat. His voice wavering, he states, "Uh, Vi, sweetheart, why don't we go into the Dean's office so we can talk?"
I look at her in confusion, wondering what she could have done, but she freezes on the spot, her eyes tearing up as she asks out of the blue, "Sheriff, where are my parents?"
Ms. Levs lets out a sob, and I squeeze my eyes shut, realizing why Donald looked sad. I open my eyes to see him grip Violet's shoulder.
I have to swallow my growl as he rasps, "I'm so sorry, sweetheart, they were run off the road. They…fuck…your dad was dead on impact, leaning over your momma, trying to protect her. And your momma, she uh, was pronounced brain dead."
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
I see her eyes glaze over, her body shutting down as a piercing scream fills the room. She collapses.
"Fuck, Violet," I curse as I rush over to her, just catching her before she hits the floor, Donald right behind me.
She didn't return to school after that, or so I was told each time I asked. Donald took her to the hospital, and she cut all contact with everyone. Some said she was moved out of state, in the foster system, because she wasn’t eighteen yet. Others said she had a mental breakdown, while some said she still attended school but only part-time. But no one could confirm any of the rumors. I could have asked Tech to look into it for me—even then, he was good with computers, but I knew if I went down that rabbit hole, I would have never let her go. The girl called to me, just like now as I watch her talking to Susan, the manager of the home. She called to me, but I refused to answer. I would only bring her down.
My head is all fucked up because of my home life, the mental abuse from my birth mother, and the shit she forced me to watch and deal with, all while my father refused to even look at me for years. She doesn't need that shit.
Shaking my head, I turn into the sitting area, refusing to even entertain the idea of her. She deserves better than me.
I grin when I see my Grams sitting near the patio doors that overlook a fountain. She looks at old man Tims, who's scowling at the chessboard, which makes me chuckle.
"You're winning again, Grams?" I ask, making her look my way.
Her dark blue eyes shine at me."My boy, it's about time you got here. Apparently, Susan’s hiring a new assistant."
I grin at her words as I walk over to her. I fist bump Tims, then take a seat and reply to her with a raised brow. "Is that so? Are you going to scare this one off, too?"
My sweet old grandmother has scared off four assistants. One them, who is also one of my main squeezes, Valerie, tries to stay clear of her, though I have noticed her walk past the door a few times since I sat down.
"Of course, I haven't yet. We have not met, so the jury's still out."