Page 76 of Tats
Everyone laughs as the kids squeal. Fuck, it's nice to watch Noah laugh again after everything he's been through these past few months; watching him shine right now is fucking amazing.
"Not long, son, and you'll have your own little angel."
I laugh at my dad's words. I look at him, and state, "You do remember who my son's mother is, right? Or did you forget the pink hair dye she put in your shampoo bottle last week at momma’s request?"
He winces but nods. "Yeah, your mother thought that was perfect revenge for my forgetting our anniversary."
I snort. "At least Momma didn't put you in the ground."
He nods, agreeing. If anything, my woman saved his life. I don't think I've ever seen my momma as angry as she was with Dad when he forgot their twenty-second wedding anniversary.
Things have improved in the past four months. I haven't forgotten my past; it creeps up, and I have my days where I wonder if I'm making the right decision for myself and for my growing family. But before the thoughts can consume me, two or three brothers pop up out of nowhere, reminding me why I’m still there, part of the club life. Either my girl notices I'm in my head and will message Snake, or a brother will see my expression.
They're unwilling to let me give up on my patch and know it'll take time to fully forgive everyone.
"How you doing today, son?"
I smile at his question. My dad dedicated himself to digging his way into my life, not letting me up for air. He's trying, every single fucking day, to ensure we have a relationship. Honestly, how he's been with my wife has given me the strength to leave our past in the past. I'll never forget, but I'm willing to move on and forgive, which also makes my momma and sister happy, so that's a bonus.
Fuck, he's even made a room up for the baby at his house.
"I'm doing well, Dad. I'll be doing a lot better once my wife gives birth," I reply.
He grins, looking toward Vi, who looks radiant in a dark yellow maxi dress, her belly looking extremely huge, not that I'd tell her that. When my girl gets emotional, she becomes lethal with the pranks…. Fuck, she even helped Sarah set up gay dancers for all the brothers at the club. I don't think I've ever seen Cannon as pissed as he was seeing a dancer flirt with Phil. Vi got in the way when Cannon went to punch the guy, causing him to twist and fall beside her just to fucking miss her.
It's safe to say she didn't prank anyone for at least a week after seeing my anger.
"Everything will be okay, son; your baby will be healthy."
I nod. We know there's a chance of brain damage, but we've been praying, and Doc has kept a close eye on her, and things are looking positive. Our boy is extremely active in his momma's belly.
I look at my wife and tilt my head as she stares off into space, which she often does, her hand gently moving over our boy. She's struggling. She's been to her parent's grave nearly every day for the past month, worried for our child. Often, I get a phone call, mid-panic attack, because she's too far away from me.
Momma's been helping her. She's been having four sessions a week to help her with her anxiety and panic attacks, and they've been slowly working. Now, to just help her get through this last leg of her pregnancy without any worries, and all will be good.
"I worry about her, Dad," I admit.
I look at him and see his eyes are on Vi as he nods, "I think, until the baby is born, this is how she's going to be. She thought she lost him, son. She spent three weeks thinking your son was dead. This is hard for her."
I hum in agreement as Sniper stands beside us with a face like thunder. I raise a brow at him, happy for the distraction from my worries, and he groans before asking, "Remember the woman I've been seeing?" I nod. "Well, I'm in the doghouse."
I raise a brow as my dad looks at him in shock, not realizing he was seeing someone for what I think is coming up to a year now. I state, "You finally told her you were part of an MC?"
My dad is mid-drink, and his beer sprays out of his mouth, making me laugh, and even Sniper couldn't help but snort.
Sniper shakes his head as my dad tries to clean himself up. "No, she hasn't found out yet, but we did bump into Snake's ex, Amber, who decided to ask my woman if she'd seen how big my cock was yet."
My eyes open in shock as my father's head whips his way, and I ask, "How'd you explain that one, then?"
He shakes his head. "I explained she was my brother's ex-girlfriend and that she’d walked in on me in the shower."
My dad full-blown laughs at his stupidity, and I wince. "Brother, you fucked her with Breaker."
He flinches. "I fucked up again, didn't I?"
I let out a deep breath at his stupidity, "Yeah, brother, you did. Not only does she not know you're in an MC, a brotherhood she's completely against for reasons you still don't know, but now you're lying about the women you've been with. I honestly don't think there's anything more you could do to screw up at this point, except for cheating."
He looks down, and my father furrows his brows and snaps, "Please tell me you didn't fucking cheat on a girl willing to give your sorry ass a chance?"