Page 9 of Tats
And I've had a couple of one-night stands just so I can feel something, anything, but nothing happened; I still felt numb inside. God, six months with Jack, and not once did he make me orgasm or, heck, laugh.
To be honest, no man has compared to Tats in the bedroom, either, and that sucks because he's clearly left his playboy ways and settled down. Honestly, a casual relationship with him right about now sounds good because falling in love, only to have them taken away from you, is hell, a hell I refuse to go through again.
I sigh as I walk away from the door, their moaning getting louder, making me flinch, my heart hurting for some reason. I head to the sitting area to meet the famous Betty, who apparently has caused four people to quit.
God, I hope she likes me, I need this job; money is tight, and I'm all alone; my extended family ensured that.
I blink, my parents' funeral coming to mind.
"Violet, can I have a word?"
I wince at my Uncle Dexter’s words, my eyes on my parents' graves. He was working underneath my father, his brother, and was not happy when the lawyer told him this morning that we had to sell the business last week, leaving him with nothing.
I swallow and turn to look at him. His brown eyes assess me, taking in my most likely red eyes, and I ask, "What's up?"
He snarled at me before clearing his throat, hoping I didn't notice, but I did. I know what he wants: my family's money, which he can't have.
"I was wondering if the lawyer has finally released who will be the benefactor for the insurance money because you're underage.."
My anger rises as I try not to snap at him, considering I've just buried my parents and his brother. "Actually, the insurance money is gone," his eyes widen. "Daddy apparently had a lot of debts within the company. There's nothing left. The business, the house, everything is gone; it's been sold to pay it all, so I don't get lumbered with it. A portion of the business went to my schooling for the rest of the year per my father’s will. Mr. Andrews informed me of it this afternoon."
Including mentioning the $100,000 trust my parents set up for when I hit thirty that no one can access but me, not that I'd tell this bozo. He rubs me the wrong way, and his anger is shining right now, which proves it.
"What about me?"
I raise a brow at his question and state, "What about you, Uncle Dexter? My father's debts are paid off, and if I understand correctly, according to the lawyer, the debts were mostly your bad decision-making, and what about me, huh, Uncle Dex? My father is dead, my mother is dead, I had to turn her machine off. My baby sister is dead!" He flinches back with wide eyes. No one knew about the baby, and clearly, they couldn't be bothered to look at the tombstones. I growl at him, my anger taking over. "My grandparents don't want to take in a seventeen-year-old. Their daughter doesn't want me; you don't want me. I'm living in a fucking home, so what about me!"
He swallows hard as some family members look down in shame as I look at them all. I sneer, knowing why they are all here, "None of you have been left anything in the will. My parents' valuables have been left to me, so there wasn't a will reading. Everything belonged to me; everything had been sold off to pay the fucking debts Uncle Dex built up in my father's name, which he can no longer do because my daddy is dead." They all flinch as tears fall down my cheeks. "You all may as well leave. There is nothing here for you; there is no wake or money. Nothing is left, and you can thank dear old Uncle Dexter for that."
They all glare at my uncle, who's white as a sheet, as I turn back around, kneeling before the graves, my social worker staying near me as one by one, my so-called family members walk away. I slowly trace my sister's name underneath my momma's.
Sobs wrack my body as loneliness consumes me. I’m so very alone, wondering if joining them would be better as I clutch momma's sonogram of my sister.
I blink as I walk into the light filled room. Susan is smiling and laughing at a woman in her eighties with gray hair and blue eyes like Tats'. I have to blink back my tears, hoping to appear professional as I try to remember the last time Momma smiled at me or my daddy's last hug.
I miss my parents so much. I miss their calls, banter, and the pranks momma and I used to pull on daddy.
I swallow as I walk over to Susan and Betty and give them a small smile. Betty eyes me up, making me nervous.
I wave a little and say nervously, "Hi, my name is Violet Bailey. It's nice to meet you both."
The man with a comb-over grins wide and moves his hand to take mine. My eyes tear up as I recognize him as he states, "I know you, you're Bugs," while he squeezes my hand tightly.
I couldn't stop them even if I tried. My tears fall, causing Susan and Betty to look at me in confusion before I hug old man Tims, my father's friend who worked for him until I had to sell the business.
I squeeze him tightly and rasp, "I haven't heard that name in a long time."
He squeezes me back before cupping my cheek, wiping away my tears. "I hear you're making your way to becoming a doctor. Do you know how proud your daddy would be of you right now?"
I let out a sniffle, giving him a smile as I pull back, keeping his hand with my right while I wipe my tears with my left, looking at my now manager whose eyes show confusion.
I smile softly. "I'm sorry. This old man used to work with my father. I haven't seen him since the funeral."
Susan's eyes soften, knowing my history, as Betty gasps before gingerly standing. I go to move to help her out of reflex, making her smile as she grabs my arm, her left hand cupping my cheek, wiping away some more of my tears as she rasps, "I heard all about you, my dear, from your momma when she used to volunteer here." More tears fall, making her squeeze my arm and whisper, "I'm so sorry for your loss, sweet girl. Your momma was a blessing who loved you and your daddy more than life." She looks at Susan and asks, "Please tell me she's the new assistant?" making me giggle with a little sob as Tims stands, gripping my hand, making me grin at him.
"Yes, Betty, she is. She's currently attending grad school, a year ahead of her peers. She's going to work here alongside the nurses to gain experience."
Betty whoops, making me laugh along with Susan. Tims chuckles, squeezing my hand. I look at him and smile wildly.