Page 12 of Fastlander Fury
“Then why are you always growling?”
Gunner rolled his eyes closed and tried to stifle it. Didn’t work. “It’s just how I am now.”
“Your dad is worried. Your mom is beside herself. You haven’t called them enough.”
“I just need space from everything.”
Bash was making coffee, but twitched his head at the table. A piece of paper laid crooked on the round four-seater.
With a frown, Gunner approached it slowly, then lifted the paper up to read it in the dim light.
Hello, to whomever this concerns.
Gunner showed me a kindness tonight. I’m not interested in pairing either, just in finding out how I can contact him. I would like to thank him for what he went out of his way to do for me. It was nice to feel like someone had my back.
There was a phone number and an email address. Hallielynn69. Ha.
I will be at the Korner Katch Bar and Grill tonight at 8:00 p.m., straight after I get off work. I will bring cookies as a thank-you. I’m not good at much, but I can bake. See him there, or not. Either way, I hope he knows there is someone out in this world that appreciates what he did.
“When did this come through?” Gunner asked.
“I can hear how fast your heart is beating,” Bash said as he brought two mugs of coffee to the table. He set one in front of Gunner, took a seat across the table, and took a careful sip of his steaming beverage. “It came through a couple hours ago.”
So…what could that mean. She was up all night thinking about sending this? How had she tracked him down? How had she figured out the Bangaboarlander site? She was human. Humans weren’t supposed to know about it.
He read up to his description but stopped at the final line of his page. Not suitable for pairing at this time.
“I don’t need this information,” he murmured as he folded the paper in half.
“You already memorized that number, and her email, and where she will be tonight.” Bash pointed to his face. “Your pupils dilated when you read that information.”
“You pay too much attention to things that don’t matter.”
“Mmm. I’ve been told that before.”
“By who?”
“Assface Clinton.”
Gunner snorted and a grin took his face for a second before he could compose it again. Clinton and Bash went at it sometimes, but then, Clinton picked battles with everyone at some point. Like his damn son, Landon.
A piercing pain took his chest as he thought about Lucia’s mate. Gunner had hurt them all.
It’s all he knew how to do.
Not suitable for pairing…ever.
“I was scared too,” Bash said.
Gunner shoved the folded paper into the middle of the table. “Scared of what?”
“I’m not scared of anyone,” Gunner gritted out. He lifted the tracker and set it on the table with a soft click. “Can you find out who this belongs to?”
Bash narrowed his eyes at it. “If they paid for it with credit card.”
“I need a name and an address.”