Page 21 of Fastlander Fury
He lifted his frustrated gaze to her. “I need to think.”
“Why did you bring me here?” she asked suddenly.
He glanced around. “Because I couldn’t do the bar you wanted to meet at. Too many people, and I don’t trust anyone.”
“Don’t trust anyone, or don’t trust yourself?”
“Stop what?”
“Seeing me!”
A fluttering sensation filled her middle as she dropped her gaze. “Thank you.”
“For what?” he asked, pacing back and forth.
“For helping me last night.”
He gave her his back, linked his hands behind his head, and struggled to suck in breath, and she recognized that.
He dragged more air into his lungs, but it was a short breath. It was panic.
She padded over to him and rested her hand on the small of his back. “Shhhhhh.”
He drew his elbows in and tried for another breath. “If I Change, don’t run. Just be still.”
“I’m not ready for you to Change in front of me.”
He didn’t answer.
“Hey,” she whispered, stepping around him. She dragged her light touch around his waist and looked up at him. “Hey,” she repeated softer. “Look at me.”
He tried and failed to drag air into his lungs again, and she could hear it—the growl that rattled up his chest.
“I’m not ready to see that, and you’re not ready to show me that. Please stay.”
“Please stay,” he repeated, but his voice was unrecognizable now.
“Stay. Keep me safe.”
He inhaled, and it was a longer breath this time.
She smiled and nodded up at him. “Keep me safe,” she repeated, because she could see the effect those words had on him.
Gunner wasn’t evil.
He was injured. He was hurt. Damaged.
Damaged could recognize damaged.
“I take it back,” he murmured. “I don’t want you to call me out anymore.”
She huffed a soft laugh and dared to lean forward, rested her forehead on his chest. She could feel how hard and fast his heart was pounding. Hers was racing too. He felt so heavy. Even the air was hard to breathe this close to him right now.
“No more callouts. We can talk about what we like on our hot dogs for all I care. No more deep tonight, okay?”
He stunned her by slipping his hand behind her head and holding her there against his chest. He massaged her gently, gripped the back of her hair, then released her. “No more deep,” he agreed, and eased back.