Page 29 of Fastlander Fury
“I’ll have to find another logging job then,” he said. Gah, she was easy to flirt with.
Her cheeks were turning a darker shade of pink, and he freaking loved this.
“What are you up to?” she asked.
“Uuuum…” He frowned at the last of the three cars passing in the other lane. Honesty was best with this one. She didn’t judge, and he liked testing her. “I just Changed into my bear in a territory that does not belong to me. On accident.”
“Your bear sounds like a troublemaker.”
“Mmm. His nickname is Fury.”
“Okay, that’s a hot-boy nickname.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “Your instincts are broken.”
She pulled her phone up, and a click sounded.
“Did you just take a picture?” he asked.
“Yep. You look good.” Hallie grinned brightly and smoothly turned the sign to Slow. “Make like a cow and mooooove.”
“Terrible joke.”
“And yet you’re smiling. See you real soon, Furry.”
“It’s Fury.” He eased forward, but then stopped again on a whim. “Come here,” he called.
Hallie jogged to catch up to him, threw open his passenger’s side door, and locked her arm on the seat. “What do you want?” she asked, pursing her lips against a smile.
“I want to fuck you, but you’re working, so I’ll settle for something quick.”
A satisfied smile spread across her pretty face, and then she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his with a quick smack sound that had his dick throbbing against his jeans.
She eased back to the chattering on the walkie talkie and waved him off.
He checked the mirror as he coasted through the lane created by orange cones. She was standing in her position with the sign back in place, her eyes on his truck. She wore the prettiest smile he’d ever seen.
Whoooo, that woman was dangerous.
Sure, she might only be here until tomorrow, but he had another entire night of distraction, and he was going to soak up every second of it.
Chapter Ten
Hallie wiped the tears from her cheeks and inhaled roughly. It was hard to draw a breath with everything happening in her head.
She rested her forehead against the steering wheel and fell apart, shoulders shaking. It hadn’t hit her until she’d gotten to the parking lot of that little hole-in-the-wall bar what she’d actually admitted to in her counseling session.
What was she doing? What the hell was she still doing here?
She wiped her eyes with the sleeves of her hoodie and gritted out, “Get it together.” She huffed three steadying breaths and then pushed her door open. She pulled the hood of her hoodie over her hair and slipped the sleeves over her hands, crossed her arms, and strode for the front door.
This bar was always dead at this time of day, and thank God for small blessings. She forced a smile for the bartender, but he twitched his chin toward her table in the corner by the window.
A man sat at it with his back to her.
Gunner was staring out the window toward where her car was parked.
She was stunned into stillness. “Gunner?”