Page 47 of Fastlander Fury
He knocked again and shoved his visor up.
“Hang on!” came a yell from inside.
Corey yanked open the door, and Gunner was met with a handgun to his face. “Good,” he barked. “Where’s Hallie?”
Corey frowned. “What?”
“Where is she?”
She rubbed her sleepy eyes and glanced around the living room. “Probably still asleep. It’s an atrocious hour.”
“Her car isn’t here,” he rumbled, pushing past her.
“You can’t just come in here uninvited.”
“I’m not a fucking vampire.” He followed Hallie’s scent to a bedroom in the back, but she wasn’t there. “When did she leave?”
“I—I don’t know,” Corey murmured. Truth. “She was upset last night. She’s going to the police station to…turn…in…” Corey’s wide eyes were on a stack of papers on the nightstand in Hallie’s room.
Gunner pulled them up and quickly read through them. Shhhhhit. These were what happened. This was the reason for her posts.
“Maybe she just forgot those?” Corey said. Her tone was frantic. “She’s probably at the police station.”
“Check her social media,” he growled. “Would she fly to him, or drive?”
“I…” Corey shook her head and blinked hard.
“Fly or drive?” he asked.
“I don’t know.”
“Corey,” he growled, gripping her shoulders. “I’m going to help her, but I need to know where to go.”
“Okay, wait, wait, wait,” she yelled, running for another bedroom. She picked up her phone and poked a few buttons, read over something—probably the posts Hallie had made in the middle of the night. “Oh my gosh, she’s going after him.”
“Yep, now you’re all caught up. How? How would she do it?”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, let me think,” Corey said, burying her face in her hands. “Is there a tracker in her car? She said something about a tracker.”
“I took it out and gave it to a friend, and he gave me Derek’s information. From Derek’s posts, he’s heading here to find her.”
“Oh my gosh. Okay. Okay!” Corey’s hands were shaking, and she paced the room. “He will fly in a private jet. Hallie would unblock him, and text him an address to meet. She would never allow him to come to my house. She would make sure I was out of the way. She would protect me.”
He could see her point. “Call her. See if she will pick up for you.”
Corey connected a call and paced the room, chewing her thumbnail as she waited. “No answer.”
Gunner tried, but no answer. Just voicemail. He texted her. I want to be there. You aren’t alone.
There were dots like she was typing, and he was consumed with hope, but the dots stopped. He tried again. I’m with you. I can help. Where are you?
His text didn’t go through.
“What does this mean?” he asked Corey, pointing to the white dot next to his text.
“She’s blocked you.”