Page 16 of Talk Swoony to Me
I nearly choke. “Huh?”
“And the little awkward chuckle she does when she’s nervous or the wrinkle she gets between her brows when she doesn’t understand something.”
I furrow my brow and he points excitedly at the bridge of my nose.
“There!” he says, grinning. “That one right there.”
I breathe a laugh.
“And there’s the chuckle,” he says. “You’re killing me, Heidi.”
“I’m sorry,” I squeak.
“It’s okay. You can make it up to me by coming to the party tonight.”
Is this really happening?
He stares at me, patiently waiting for my answer while my heart pounds against my ribs.
I guess it is.
“Uh…” I nod. “Sure. I...”
“Can’t,” I say, exhaling hard. “I can’t.”
“Yes, you can,” Drew says. “I believe in you!”
“No,” I say, smothering a laugh, “I really can’t. I promised my roommate I’d hang out with her tonight.”
He pauses. “Like, all night?”
I nod. “Hanging out with her is usually an all-night affair, unfortunately. I’m sorry…”
“No, it’s cool. I get it,” he says. “It sucks, but I get it.”
My gut churns, but I find the courage. “Maybe we can do something next week?” I ask.
Drew smiles. “Sure,” he says. “I can wait a few days.”
Oh, dear lord, I just asked out a boy.
“That’s even better, actually,” he adds. “I don’t have to worry about one of my housemates stealing you from me. A few of them are slightly more attractive than I am.”
I chortle. “Only slightly?”
“Hard to imagine, I know.” He points at my car. “Why don’t you try starting her up?”
I pause, completely forgetting the original reason he came out here. “Oh, right,” I say, spotting the long cables connecting our cars. “Will do,” I say as I begin the short trek around to my driver’s side.
I lower myself inside and say a quick prayer as I turn the key.
The engine revs to life.
“Yes!” I say, standing up. “She lives another day.”