Page 20 of Talk Swoony to Me
I laugh. “I told you I will follow your lead.”
“You’re going to do everything I tell you to do?”
“Yes,” I answer.
“You promise?”
“Within reason, yes.”
Jenna smiles and spins forward again, this time hooking her arm around mine to make sure I keep up. “Excellent,” she says. “Onward we go.”
“Just...” I stare hard at her, “don’t do that thing you always do.”
“What thing I always do?”
“Abandon me.”
Jenna gasps. “I do not abandon you.”
“You latch onto the first boy toy you can find and then disappear, leaving me to guard your purse.”
“That is a vile and odious lie!”
“It’s the whole truth and nothing but.”
“I’m contacting my lawyer and suing you for slander.”
I snort. “Tell your mom I said hi.”
She playfully scoffs as she reaches out to pop the second button on my dress. “Say hi to this, whore.”
I sigh, letting her make the wardrobe adjustment as we approach the Delta Xi house. People spill out of the house onto the porch, creating a long line that extends across the lawn.
“Oh, shit!” Jenna says. “I forgot about this.”
“Forgot about what?”
She releases my arm and rifles through her purse. I watch with wide eyes as she withdraws a stack of a dozen ID cards from an inner pocket. She sifts through them once and hands one to me.
I read it and my jaw drops. “Jenna, is this what I think this is?”
She keeps one and zips the rest inside. “Don’t make a thing out of it,” she says.
“I can’t use this! This is so illegal!”
“So is carding at a frat party.” Her eyes roll. “Damn fascists.”
“She looks nothing like me!” I say, teetering on the edge of freaking out.
“She has black hair.”
“She’s Asian!”
“You just flash it, Heidi. No one actually looks at them. They aren’t breasts.”
My heart pounds even harder. As if I wasn’t already nervous to death about this, now I have to walk around with a very fake ID the rest of the night.
Jenna faces me and grabs my shoulders. “Girl, relax.”