Page 35 of Talk Swoony to Me
“Barely recognized her. She looked good.”
Devin chuckles. “Not as good as that tiny hottie you were playing pong with, though.”
I make a cutting motion against my throat, a futile attempt to warn him, but he doesn’t take heed.
Seth glares. “Oh, yeah?”
Corey perks up. “Oh, shit. Yeah! The one with the stamps on her arm?”
“That’s the one!” Devin groans loudly. “Man, I must have pictured a hundred different ways of crawling up that little skirt.”
They both howl with horny laughter.
Seth glares even harder as he grins. “You liked her, huh?”
“Yeah. Who was she?”
The grin falls. “She was my little sister.”
Devin face turns dead white as Corey slides further down into his chair. I stay back with a hand on my face, smothering the grin trying to slide up my cheek.
Seth stands a few inches taller, displaying dominance. “And she… actually, I want everyone to hear this. Delta Xi!” He backs up into the foyer so his voice echoes even louder. “Hey, Delta Xi! House announcement! Get out here!”
Here we go…
I shrug at Corey and Devin. I tried to warn them.
Several doors open on the second and third floors. Some step out to look over the balcony, others just poke their sleepy heads out to listen. A group wanders in from the kitchen, Brick in his baby blue bathrobe included.
“Now,” Seth begins, “as some of you are aware, my little sister attended our party last night.”
Someone cat whistles upstairs.
“Hey!” Seth scolds them over the chuckles. “I want you all to know right now that she is off-limits! No one, and I mean no one, may touch her, taste her, smell her — hell, don’t even look at her for too long! Ya hear me?”
I pinch my tingling lips as a gray rock settles in my gut.
“I’m invoking Delta Xi law!” he adds with a nod to Brick. “No girlfriends, no sisters, no mothers. Isn’t that right, Brick?”
Brick nods sagely. “That is law.”
“Any Delta Xi man who breaks Delta Xi law will be punished to the full extent of Delta Xi law! Now, raise your hands!”
The house obeys, tiredly lifting their arms. I follow suite.
“I do solemnly swear,” Seth leads the chant and we repeat it, “that I will not touch Seth’s baby sister, Heidi Newbury.”
We parrot it back, and that gray rock sinks even deeper.
Fortunately, as far as I’m aware, Delta Xi pledges aren’t applied retroactively.
Seth lowers his hand, satisfied. “Thank you for your time. You may go about your morning business.”
The rest of the house clumsily returns to their rooms.
Seth spins toward me. I quickly compose myself in case my expression gives away that I can still taste Heidi’s lip gloss on my tongue.
“Let’s roll!” he says. “Delta Xi!”