Page 4 of Talk Swoony to Me
“This better not mess up my hair before I get to Bobby’s...”
I chuckle at her little face just barely visible through the hole of her hood. “If he really likes you, then it shouldn’t matter what your hair looks like.”
Jenna scoffs. “You got a lot to learn about men, kiddo.”
I shrug. “I guess so.”
She throws her messenger bag strap over her shoulder and exhales, locked and loaded for battle. “All right. I’ll see you later tonight.”
“Okay,” I say.
“Or tomorrow morning.” She chuckles. “We’ll see.”
“Have fun.”
“I will!”
Jenna charges through the door into the rain. I quickly follow, pinching the hood of my jacket with one hand and keeping my backpack shielded with the other. The rain is loud and unyielding over the sounds of my sneakers stomping through the puddles as I sprint through campus toward the student parking lot. I spot my old, beat-up sedan parked beneath a lamppost on the west side and bolt faster toward it.
Jenna weaves through the parked cars ahead of me, racing to her Mustang a few spots down from mine. “Bye, Heidi!” she shouts into the wind as she opens the driver’s side and leaps inside.
“Bye, Jenna!” I shout back as I rustle through my pocket for my keys.
I open my door and toss my backpack inside, resting it on the passenger’s seat before climbing in myself. I close the door and sit back, happy to listen to the rain slapping against my roof for a few seconds while I catch my breath.
Jenna’s engine revs with life, her bright headlights flashing on a mere second before she hits the gas and blazes out of the lot way faster than she should.
With a chuckle, I slide my key in the ignition and turn it.
Click, click, click.
“No...” I whisper. I turn it again.
Click, click.
“Oh, come on! Please...”
Click, click, click.
“I think I can,” I say, feeling some hope. “I think I can. I think...”
Click, click, click.
“Dammit.” I abandon the keys. “Dammit. Dammit!”
I must have left my lights on. No, I didn’t. Did I?
I reach for my backpack in search of my phone. Jenna will hate me for this, but I don’t have anyone else I can call.
A horn blares outside. I look up at a car sitting idle directly in front of me. I squint, but I can’t make out who it is through the blinding headlights.
The lights flash twice at me.
I put the phone away and grab my bag. She must have spotted me sitting here like an idiot.