Page 40 of Talk Swoony to Me
“Yes, you can, you should, and you will.”
“No, I can’t!”
“Do you have any idea how hot a secret fling is?” she asks. “Do you remember me and Embry?”
“Do I remember you and Vice Principal Harris? Yes, me and the entire town remember that.”
“It was so fucking hot.” She visibly shudders. “I’m getting shivers now just thinking about it…”
“It was illegal,” I point out.
“Eh…” She hums. “Unethical.”
“Well, it should have been illegal.”
“Whatever. The point is... do it. Latch onto that ridiculously sexy boy and have some fun. If not for you, then do it for me.”
“How do you benefit from my relationships?”
“A rising tide lifts all boats, Heidi.”
I chuckle. “It doesn’t matter, anyway. The kiss was a one-time thing. An act of closure. He said so himself.”
“Yeah, okay.” She rolls her eyes. “Sure, it was.”
“It was!”
“Flash him one boob and I’ll bet my entire trust fund he drops to his knees and licks your feet.”
I cringe. “What is it with you and licking feet lately?”
“Don’t knock it until you try it. Doesn’t negate my point.”
“Which is?”
“Please do not let Seth pull the same shit on you now that he did back in high school. He was a dick then, he’s a dick now, and you owe it to yourself to proudly fuck the living daylights out of his best friend under his nose. It’ll be sweet, delicious karma. Trust me.”
Jenna’s bedroom door opens down the hall again. I shift nervously on my chair, convinced of a stranger prowling our house as another pair of shoes slowly bound in our directly.
Jenna doesn’t react. She just smiles.
A blue-eyed man finally appears in the kitchen doorway, fully clothed but with only one corner of his shirt tucked into his ripped jeans.
“Hey,” he says, shifting awkwardly. “Good morning.”
I blink. “Good morning.”
Jenna looks over her shoulder at him. “You heading out?”
He nods. “Yeah, I have to go to work, so...”
“All right. I’ll see you around.”
“See you around,” he repeats, slowly offering the room a limp salute before turning and making his way down the hall to the front door.
“Call me!” Jenna shouts after him before the door closes.