Page 64 of Talk Swoony to Me
“But what?”
She lowers her voice. “I sneezed on your face.”
I laugh. Honestly, I’d forgotten all about that. “Okay. Flawed. You were intensely flawed, and I had to fix you.”
“That’s more like it,” she says, amused.
I pause, admiring her golden eyes. “I like you, Heidi Newbury. I like you a lot… and I would really like it if you’d let me take you to dinner tonight.”
Heidi blushes. Her chest rises and falls with a heavy breath. Then another one. And another one.
“There you go again,” she finally says. “Saying cute things.”
I grin. “What do you say?”
She inhales. “I say… that I like you, too.”
It feels nice. Really nice.
“But,” she continues, “I think we should address the brother-shaped elephant in the room.”
I sit back and nod. “Seth.”
“To be honest, you know him better than I do right now.” She shrugs a shoulder. “How do you think he’ll react to this?”
“Not well,” I answer.
“At all?”
“He’s more or less already addressed the possibility with me… and the entire Delta Xi house.”
Heidi squints. “How so?”
“He made us all pledge that we’d never touch you.”
She sits back, offended. “He did?”
“You are strictly off-limits to everyone in the house, basically.”
Her face screws up as she looks into the opposite corner. “What a dick,” she mutters.
“It’s not that uncommon, to be fair,” I say, feeling the urge to defend my friend. “No girlfriends, no sisters, no mothers. It’s kind of a bro code thing.”
She studies me for a moment. “So, what are you doing here, then?” she asks.
Fair question.
“Breaking the rules,” I answer.
I smile. “Because I think it might be worth it.”
“But when we tell him?—”
“We won’t.”
Heidi pauses, her brows rising. “We won’t?”