Page 72 of Talk Swoony to Me
“That’s how it’s done,” I say. “Anyway, my dad doesn’t want us to jump right in after graduation. He says he’ll only support the bar if I mentor under someone with a successful business first for a couple of years so I can really learn the ins-and-outs.”
Heidi nods. “Smart.”
“Obviously, he meant he wants me to mentor under him, but I’d rather not get sucked into that. A family friend has agreed to take me under her wing, so I’ll be interning with her next year for some additional credit hours. I’m really looking forward to it.”
“Anyone I’d know?”
“Nora Payne,” I answer. “The creator of Little Black Book, the dating app.”
She scoffs and I laugh. “Oh, of course your filthy rich family has filthy rich friends.”
“I’ve known her since I was a kid. She and Melanie are tight. They do brunch every Sunday at a place called Moira’s. You ever been?”
“Well,” I pause, feeling smooth, “maybe I can take you there for our second date.”
She smiles, briefly pulling her bottom lip between her teeth; exactly the reaction I look for when hinting at a second date.
“Sure,” she says. “Sounds great.”
I reach for my drink to take a victory sip. “Where do you want to travel?” I ask.
“Europe,” she answers. “I’d love to go to Paris. See the Louvre. Or Rome! Greece. If it’s got an art museum, I must go there.”
“Have you been to the Art Institute here?”
She shakes her head. “Not yet.”
Third date, I think to myself.
But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves just yet…
“Want another roll?” I ask as the sushi boats float by in front of us.
“Oh, no.” Heidi gently nudges her plate away. “I’ve had too much already.”
“Then, do you want to get out of here?” I ask.
Heidi gives me another one of those sweet smiles that drive me so crazy. It lingers as she gazes at me. Either that, or time itself has slowed down.
“Yeah,” she answers. “Where do you want to go next?”
I smirk.
* * *
I kiss her and it’s like my lips catch fire.
Heidi leans closer to me, stretching a little further across the center console of my car. I meet her there with one hand on her cheek and the other on her thigh, but it’s not enough. What I wouldn’t give to pull her into the backseat with me right now.
She tilts away from my lips, smiling as she takes a deep breath. “It’s getting warm in here,” she says.
I look around and chuckle at the fogged up windows. It’s nothing the residents of Shanty Row haven’t seen before.
“A little, yeah,” I say.