Page 87 of Talk Swoony to Me
Drew stands up from his desk chair, takes a wide step toward the door, and closes it. Then he spins on his heels and rushes at me.
I push up onto my toes just in time. Our lips collide in a wild and dangerous kiss, one we both know could tear our entire world apart.
But who cares?
“Hey, there,” he greets me. For real this time.
“Hey,” I say, licking my lips.
One more peck and he takes a wide, safe step back to his desk.
“Sorry, I had to get that out of my system,” he says. “You look really nice today.”
I smile with a quick peek at the door. “Why, thank you. I barely tried.”
He smirks as he sits down. “You two going to lunch again?” he asks.
“Fourth time this week.”
“That’s not true. The first time was breakfast.”
“You’re definitely getting along now, huh?”
“I guess so. Until I was twelve, we were inseparable, and then... badness. It’s nice to have my big brother back again.” I raise a brow. “What? You jealous?”
He smiles shortly. “Of him getting to be seen alone in public with you without drawing suspicion? Whatever gave you that impression?”
I lean on the edge of his desk, keeping a friendly, innocent distance from him. “Hey, he’s not the one who gets to feel me up in the backseat of his car in the Moira’s Cafe parking lot anytime he wants to.”
Drew’s face screws up. “Well, I would hope not.”
I frown. “Yeah, this whole secret fling thing would be way sexier if I were married to some rich, corporate dairy farmer who didn’t love me anymore.”
“Cheating isn’t sexy.”
“I believe your sister has written a few bestsellers that challenge that theory.”
He sighs. “Please tell me you’re not reading those.”
“I got to give her props, they are hard to put down.”
His throat clears, swiftly changing the subject. “What are you up to tonight?” he asks.
“Manny’s until nine,” I answer. “Why?”
“We need to talk.”
I lean back. “Is everything okay?”
“No, everything is fine!” He sits forward and chuckles. “Sorry. I did not mean to make that sound so scary.”
I laugh with relief. “Okay.”
“Just...” He cants his head. “Something has come up that I want to talk to you about. Not serious, but not unimportant.”
“All right. Meet me at my place after nine. I’ll bring fries.”