Page 58 of The Vampire's Mate
Jesse wants me by his side, forever, but he won’t push me into it. The decision is mine alone, and he’ll wait as long as it takes for me to make it. And if I decide to remain human, he’ll accept it without argument.
“I love you,” I say softly.
“And I, you,” he replies, then releases my hand and stands. “Now, finish your breakfast. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can return here, to this bed, where I’ll show you just how much I adore you.”
“Yes, sir,” I say with a grin, lifting my coffee cup to my lips and draining it. Standing, I run my fingers through my hair, fluffing it. “I’m ready.”
He grins and nods, crooking out an elbow. I slip my hand through the opening and grip his hard bicep, and he leads me from the room with that smile firmly in place.
We go back to Hollywood Boulevard, Jesse intent on trying to pick up the scent of the magic his father’s men found down here. I have my own agenda, though, and keep my eyes peeled for the Steph-lookalike I saw yesterday. If she frequents the area, I’m going to find her. And confront her.
I’ll prove to Jesse and myself that I didn’t imagine the whole thing. That my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me. I know what I saw. She saw me, too, and ran. And I want to know why.
My heart speeds up as we near the gift shop. I scan the crowd, looking for dark hair and gray eyes shining with recognition. When a familiar brunette rounds the corner, I stumble to a halt, then grab Jesse’s hand and tug him into the shadows.
“What is it?” he murmurs, coming along with me without resistance.
“Tamelen,” I whisper, peeking out to see if she’s still headed our way.
Not the brunette I was looking for, but a shock all the same. Particularly since Jesse didn’t seem to notice her first, or even…
“Wait,” I whisper when he moves like he’s going to intercept her. “Do you smell magic? Or a charm spelled to hide its scent?”
He inhales deeply, and his dark eyes narrow, the irises nearly disappearing as his pupils expand. He shakes his head, and I pinch my lips together.
I knew it.
That witch has been lying to the vampires all along. She either lied about the charm having a scent, or she knows a different spell that leaves no trace and never shared it with them. Either way, it’s obvious she has her own agenda.
Tightening his jaw, Jesse pulls me from the shadows and steps back out onto the sidewalk. I see Tamelen headed right for us, and I don’t miss the flash of surprise in her eyes when she notices our presence.
Jesse sniffs harshly, and I see a tendon in his jaw tick as he turns his head toward me and whispers, “There’s the scent. She released whatever spell was masking her magic the moment she spotted us.”
I plaster a smile on my face without responding as Tamelen approaches. We step to the side so we won’t block the flow of traffic, and she stops before us with a serene expression.
“Jesse, Eden…how lovely to see you.”
“Likewise,” Jesse says, his grip on my hand tightening slightly.
Got it. Play the game and don’t reveal anything.
“Tamelen,” I say, nodding. “Nice to see you again.”
And in the same exact spot we saw not-Steph yesterday. This can’t be a coincidence.
“Doing a little sightseeing?” she asks.
I open my mouth to lie and say yes, but Jesse’s grip tightens even further before he answers for me.
“Actually, there was a report of magic being scented down here, so we’re scouring the area to find its source. Do you come this way often? Perhaps it was your magic they noticed.”
I’m a little surprised he’s being so honest, but I know he must have a reason. He can’t possibly trust her after realizing she’d hidden her scent and there was no trace of the so-called charm witches use to disguise their magic. I don’t know what his game is here, but I’m ready and willing to play it.
“No,” she says, shaking her head. “I haven’t been down here in weeks. I’m only here today because my cousin’s daughter wants some Hollywood paraphernalia for her birthday.”
“You still have contact with your old coven?” Jesse asks.
“No,” she says. “You know I cut ties with them long ago. My cousin is human, a descendant from the non-magical side of my family. She has no idea what I am, or even that witches exist.”