Page 35 of Stroke of Luck
“A feast,” she joked.
“Just a snack before later,” Eddie corrected. “The wine’s good, though. Californian. I won’t tell you how much I spent on it, but it was a pretty penny.” He winked.
As soon as the boat was stabilized on the other side of the island, Rachelle poured them two mugs of wine and split open a bag of sour cream and onion chips. It had been ages since she’d eaten something like this, a snack without any “cooking flair” to it, and she was surprised at how delicious it was.
“You look like you can’t believe what you’re eating,” Eddie said as he crunched on chips.
“They’re fantastic!”
Rachelle remembered that absolutely everything was fantastic when you were falling in love. The music sounded different. Food was more delicious than ever. The world brightened.
She was so willing to fall in love with Eddie. She felt her heart opening like a big bay window.
For a little while, she and Eddie talked about anything that came to their minds. They talked about the television show, Paul and Benny’s ongoing feud, their favorite dishes at the restaurant, and their least favorite servers, the ones who always cut corners and made guests angry. Rachelle fell into the easy rhythm of his words. They were like music.
When night fell, Eddie directed the boat back to the harbor. Rachelle leaned back, letting the cool breeze sweep over her. She needed a warmer jacket, but she decided not to care about it, adoring the way her arms pimpled up. Everything felt sharp and wonderful and alien. Everything felt alive.
But as they neared shore, Rachelle realized something was wrong.
Across the docks were numerous cameras, manned by the very crew that usually filled The Clam Factory. Their cameras were pointed at the sailboat as they got closer and closer.
“What are they doing here?” Rachelle hissed.
Eddie was showing off for the camera. He tossed his head to let his hair flow in the sea winds, and he eased the boat directly against the dock with expert precision. As he tied the ropes, he smiled up at the nearest camera flirtatiously. Rachelle’s heart banged in her chest. She forced herself to smile, too, knowing that whatever footage they got now would go in the show.
She’d thought she had the night off. But they’d found her.
One of the producers, Henry, appeared above them on the dock and smiled down at them. “Hey there, you two. You want to tell the viewers at home where you were?”
Rachelle blinked furiously, willing herself not to cry.
“That’s none of your business, is it?” Eddie said, jumping up on the dock. The cameras followed him, then doubled back as he reached to help Rachelle off, as well.
“Come on, Eddie,” Henry goaded.
Eddie swung his arm around Rachelle’s shoulders and grinned toward the camera. “I’ve been a sailor all my life. I just wanted to show Rachelle a few of my favorite coves around the island. I wanted her to see my world, the way I experience hers through her cooking.”
It was a beautiful response. Rachelle was genuinely moved.
Henry wagged his eyebrows suggestively. “Have you taken Diana out on your sailboat yet, Eddie?”
Eddie laughed. “I haven’t.”
“And why not?” Henry asked. “Hasn’t she shown you the wonders of her cooking, as well? Isn’t that fair?”
Rachelle’s stomach swirled with wine and chips and fear. What was Henry going for here? Did he want Eddie to play along?
“Maybe I’ll have the chance to take Diana out soon,” Eddie said finally.
“I’m sure she’d like that very much. If Rachelle lets her,” Henry said.
Rachelle bristled as Henry and Eddie laughed as though they’d just exchanged delicious jokes.
A horrible idea occurred to her. Had Eddie told the crew they were going out on the boat tonight? Had he told them to accost them as they returned?
Rachelle turned her head to peer up at Eddie. She was suddenly slick with sweat despite the chill. Could she actually trust this guy?
As Eddie and Henry continued to laugh, Rachelle ducked out from Eddie’s arm and hurried down the dock. She had to get out of there. She felt the cameras following her, eager to catch her doing something dramatic. She didn’t want to give them anything.