Page 40 of Stroke of Luck
“And? How did it go?” Rachelle’s voice was shaky.
“He’s a real trouper. I told him to stay horizontal for most of the day to make sure it doesn’t move around,” Darcy explained.
Rachelle lowered her voice. “And?”
Darcy raised her shoulders. “We wait.” Her eyes sparkled.
Later, Rachelle sent her sister a text.
You’re a really wonderful villain.
And Darcy wrote back.
I don’t hesitate to get revenge when people are after my loved ones. Especially people like Eddie. Especially monsters.
Eddie emerged from the white-walled room a few minutes later. It looked like he’d been jabbed a few times near his eyebrows, but he mostly looked normal, like himself. Rachelle breathed a momentary sigh of relief.
“I have to get to work,” Rachelle told him. “Take care of yourself today, okay? And I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Catch me tomorrow looking like a model,” Eddie said with a soft cackle. “Darcy, what do I owe you?”
Darcy waved her hand. “First treatment is on the house. I hope you’ll come back to me when you’re ready. I love return clients. Especially famous ones.” She grinned.
Eddie sauntered outside with all the gravitas of a man about to rule the world, leaving Rachelle and Darcy inside the clinic. Darcy cleaned her equipment as Rachelle crossed and uncrossed her arms.
“What exactly is he going to look like?” she finally asked.
“You’ll see.”
Rachelle let out a small, nervous laugh. “He’s going to kill me.”
Darcy sterilized the top of the chair where Eddie’s head had been. “Remember what I told you. Hyaluronic acid is reversible. So when he comes into work screaming his head off tomorrow, remind him to come back to me. I’ll fix it.”
“Just like that?”
“I don’t know if I’ll have a slot for him until next week, unfortunately. I have a packed schedule.” She smiled. “I wonder how many days of filming he’ll miss as a result. All week? Oh, no. What will that do to his career?”
Rachelle bubbled with laughter and wrapped her arms around Darcy. “You’re a wicked lady. And I love you.”
Rachelle was in the kitchen the following morning when she heard Eddie. He stormed into the restaurant, demanding to know where Rachelle was. He called her a few words she never would have called anyone. Before he could blast into the kitchen, she disappeared into Diana’s office, breathing heavily. Diana wasn’t in yet, and Rachelle found peace in the shadows of her tidy office, listening as Eddie had a complete meltdown outside.
Henry’s voice came next. “What happened to you?”
Eddie sobbed. “I woke up like this. Like this monster. And it’s her fault! It’s all her fault!”
Henry laughed gently as though he had no idea what to make of this situation. “How could your face possibly be Rachelle’s fault?”
It sounded like Eddie knocked something over. Perhaps a barstool or a dining room chair. Some of the camera crew hissed with surprise.
“Come on, buddy. Let’s take you outside,” Henry said, sounding both pleased and annoyed at once. There probably weren’t many funny days doing this sort of job, so he had to take his laughs where he could.
A moment later, the kitchen door burst open, and Benny’s and Paul’s voices rang out as they prepped.
“Dude, did you check out Eddie’s face?” Paul asked.
“He looks messed up, man.”
“It reminds me of something,” Paul said thoughtfully. “I can’t put my finger on it.”