Page 59 of Stroke of Luck
“Diana,” he said.
Tears sprang to Diana’s eyes. This was the voice of the man she loved. The voice of the man she’d held deep into the night. The man who’d brought Valentina into the world. Who’d waited for her at the piazza, drunk red wine with her, and brought her deeper into a magical realm. How could she leave him like this? How could he leave her?
“Hi, Ryan,” she said.
“It’s good to hear from you,” he said.
“I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to call.”
Ryan coughed. It almost sounded like he was on the verge of tears. “And I’m sorry about the new show.”
Diana closed her eyes, remembering how good Ryan had looked with Stacy. How Valentina had suggested they’d been dating for a while. She considered asking Ryan about it—but then thought better of it. What good would it do her to learn the truth? It would just bring her more sorrow and pain.
“It was a great opportunity,” Diana said. “I understand. It’s why I went after the Nantucket gig.”
“We’re business professionals,” Ryan offered. “We do what we have to do to stay in the game. Nobody said the culinary world was an easy one.”
Diana swallowed the lump in her throat. There was so much to talk about that had nothing to do with television. But how should she proceed?
Ryan already knew some of the specifics about her and Valentina’s future in Rome. He’d even signed off on Valentina doing online courses until summer started and eventually starting at an international school. But those conversations had happened via lawyers and through Valentina.
Diana knew that she and Ryan had to come to some sort of understanding. They had to be civil.
And wouldn’t it be nice to have a relationship that was better than civil? Wouldn’t it be nice to welcome Ryan to Rome and dine with him and their daughter?
And then, Ryan said something that surprised her. “We’re going to be okay, Diana.”
Diana cocked her head, studying the streetlight that spilled in through the restaurant windows. Her restaurant. Her windows.
“What do you mean?” Diana’s voice cracked.
“We’ve come so far,” Ryan said. “We’ve built these incredible careers. And now, look at you. You’re going to run your own restaurant. In Rome, for crying out loud. Right where we started. I know it’s exactly what you dreamed of. I know television was never what you wanted.”
Diana blinked back tears. “But it’s what you want? Still?”
“Right now, yes,” Ryan said. “That could change.”
Diana shuddered. “You always have a place to sleep in Rome. I hope you know that.”
“I do.”
They were quiet.
“I’m going to have my lawyer send over the divorce papers soon,” Diana said.
“And I’ll sign them,” Ryan said. “I won’t give you any trouble.”
“I appreciate that.” Diana sighed. “I’m sure Valentina will, too.”
“I can’t imagine why parents put their children through hell just because they want different things.”
“We’re kitchen people,” Diana offered. “We’re forced to adapt in difficult conditions. We learn teamwork at a very early age.”
“Well said.”
For a few minutes, Diana and Ryan spoke about easy things. Diana explained that their favorite supply place was still on the corner and that she’d already shared them with Valentina.
“She loved them,” Ryan said. “I already know it. She’s addicted to fried food like that.”