Page 33 of The Weight of Love
“How did she go from that to this powerhouse? You’ve seen her lately. She’s killing it with her business. She’s in the gym more than I am, I swear. She’s dedicated. And then still does stuff with her kids.”
“Honestly, Clark. That’s just who she is. I don’t think I have ever met someone who had no quit in them like she does. Her mom died when she was young, badly. And something in her, seeing her dad spiral after that, seeing what it did to her family, just drove her to do better.”
Graham’s words fall quiet as the girls jog back up to us.
“Dad, Riley’s Nana had to cancel. There was an emergency. Her Nana and her mom are at the hospital with her little brother Kyle. Can we drive her up there?”
“Shoot, I don’t even have my truck today.”
“I’ll take you.”
The words slip out of my mouth without hesitation. Clearly, something is wrong, and I have a singular need to make sure Stella is okay.
“Can Annie go with me, Mr. Sheffield? I’m super worried.”
Graham looks at me with a shrug, questioning if I was really up for it.
“I got it. I’ll get them both where they need to go.”
Riley tells Annie that Kyle gets sick sometimes, and it gets really bad. This isn’t the first time. The story she is telling about her mom and how much she’s sacrificed for them hits straight to my heart.
“Oh man,” Annie sighs, “I can’t believe your mom has had to go into the hospital with him that often.”
“Yeah,” Riley sighs, “She’s put everything on hold for so long. This is the first time in forever she’s actually put that time in for herself. I just wish someone would step in and make her as happy as she deserves.”
I meet a pair of startlingly familiar eyes in the rear-view mirror for a brief moment. I can see that same sharp wit and charm sparkling in them, too, as she tries to cover how worried she is.
“She deserves that.”
When I look into Riley’s eyes, I sense a vulnerability I hadn’t realized was possible. She must be seeing a side of this with Stella that I’m just missing.
“Mr. H, this is awfully nice of you for someone who you just ‘know’ at the gym.”
“We’ve been talking and friends since September, I think. I definitely consider her a friend.”
“Well, you should surprise her if you want to take it up a notch. You look at her the way I wish someone would. Like a guy from one of those romance movies.”
Oh God, please don’t let it be sexual.
“Yeah, your eyes just follow her. It’s like she draws your attention no matter where she is.”
I can feel the blood rushing up my face as I blush furiously.
“I don’t, I mean… It’s not.”
I groan in defeat.
Called out by a teenage girl. Priceless.
“Promise me something, Mr. H?”
“What’s that?”
“Just don’t let her push you away. She’s good at that. Also, coffee. Lead with coffee. It really is her love language. Black coffee with a handful of ice so she doesn’t burn her mouth.”
“That one, I do know.”