Page 72 of The Exception
“Actually, I am, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” I grabbed both her hands and held them tight. “The mother of the bride is supposed to buy the wedding dress, but since your mom can’t be here, your sister is the next best thing.”
“Jill.” Tears formed in her eyes.
“I want to do this for you. So let me.”
She let go of my hands and wrapped her arms around me.
“Thank you. I don’t know what to say.”
“You’re welcome and don’t need to say anything.”
“Excuse me,” the saleswoman interrupted our sisterly moment. “My friend, Gina, said she’d happily alter the dress for you. She said you can come now, and she’d get started on it right away.”
“Thank you.”
“No problem. By the way, the dress rang up on clearance.” She winked at me. “Your deposit was enough to cover it.”
“Thank you.” I gave her a light hug.
She bagged up the dress, and we hailed a cab over to Gina’s Seam Shop over on East 48th Street. After we met with Gina, I could tell Kristen was exhausted.
“I’m starving,” I spoke. “Let’s go sit down and grab some lunch.”
“Sounds good to me. Where do you want to go?”
“You pick.”
We ended up taking a cab over to SoHo and eating at a place called Balthazar. As I was taking a bite of my chicken club sandwich, I almost choked on it when I saw Jess walking over to the table.
“Jillian?” She cocked her head as a look of disbelief swept over her face.
“Jess. Oh, my God.” I stood up and gave her a light fake hug.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“Having lunch with my sister.”
“I mean in New York.”
“Oh. I live here now.”
“I thought you were on a self-discovery journey.”
“I am.”
“Does Drew know you’re here in New York?” Her eyes shot daggers at me.
Shit. Shit. Shit. What do I say? It was none of her fucking business, and I had nothing to hide.
“Yes. I ran into him the other day. He was just as surprised as you are right now.”
“I’m sure he was. Well, it was nice seeing you again. Maybe we can do lunch some time.”
“That would be great,” I lied. There was no way in hell I would have lunch with her.
As soon as she walked away, Kristen leaned over the table.
“Who the fuck was that snobby bitch?”