Page 106 of Hunt Me
“Is there anything I can do?”
He hesitates and says, “Accepting the mate bond would give you that same power over me.”
Suddenly, his resistance makes complete sense. “I would never do that.”
I glimpse a vulnerable trust in his eyes as he says, “I’m starting to believe that.”
I flash him a small smile since that’s all the reassurance or comfort I can give—and tuck my gloved hands into my pockets to keep from trying to offer anything more.
Maybe that’s why my next words tumble out before I can stop them. “My mother would have liked you.”
“You asked me what my mother would say about you. She would have loved you. She had this way of reading a person’s character. Of getting past whatever they’d done or mistakes they’d made. She saw through it to someone’s heart.” I glance up at him. “I promised her something before she died.”
“What’s that?”
“I promised I wouldn’t kill innocents.” He studies me with an intensity that has me looking away. “So, I would never order you to do the things your mom did,” I add quietly.
When he doesn’t answer, I force myself to look over at him again. When I do, I note the wry smile curving his lips.
“What?” I ask.
“You’re never what I expect,” he says, shaking his head. “An assassin with a code. Who would have guessed?”
“When you say it like that, you make it sound so…cute.”
“It is cute.”
I scowl. “I’m badass. Not cute.”
“Of course, my mistake.” The smile vanishes, but the amusement in his eye remains.
Off balance, I refocus on the conversation at hand. “So, you believe Uziah knows about your need to be bound to someone?” I can’t quite bring myself to say the word ‘master.’ Nor do I let myself think about anyone commanding Legion against his will. “But how would they know?”
“That’s what I’d like to find out. Very few know my secret even here, and I trust them all implicitly with that truth.”
“The Crimson Roses wanted me to kill you,” I point out. “That would have made a blood vow impossible.”
His smirk from earlier returns with the same level of smugness. “It’s cute that you still think you could have done so.”
I glare at him. “It’s cute that you still think I won’t.”
He laughs, and the mood lightens, but I’m not finished putting all these pieces together. Nor can I ignore the trust required for him to finally tell me all of this. The more of his trust he gives me, the more I want to give him in return.
“So that’s why you haven’t gone to the Earth realm to face them? You’re afraid they’ll try to bind you?”
“Not afraid,” he says, eyes flashing. “Not for myself. But I won’t risk you.”
“Honestly, I half-expected you to sneak off in the middle of the night and go without me already.”
“I’ve considered it,” he admits, earning another glare.
“Why haven’t you?”
“I had wanted to go in with more information, namely how in the hell they found out my secret, but so far, Klyn’s hired tracker hasn’t brought us any useful intel.”
“When you do go, I’m going with you.”