Page 108 of Hunt Me
“I think I need to go with him too.”
“Absolutely not. It’s way too dangerous.”
“Uziah wants me,” she says. “You can use that. Distract him?—”
“No way. I am not using my little sister as bait.”
“Listen, I know it sounds crazy, but there’s something I’m supposed to do.”
“Like what exactly?”
“I don’t know.” Her expression clouds. “The vision isn’t clear.”
“Of course not.” I throw up my hands.
“Look, I’m trying, okay?”
I sigh. “Kendall, I’m not trying to diminish your gift. I just… I can’t let you put yourself in danger. Not for this.”
“What if you fail without me there?”
“Then I’ll die knowing you still live here where it’s safe.”
She glares at me, and I brace myself for more of an argument. But she only shakes her head, no less angry but apparently not in the mood to argue as she strides for the open door.
“Something’s coming,” she tells me ominously. “And it’s going to take all of us to beat it.”
Chapter 26
Chaya, Kendall, and Bron are a captive audience at dinner as Legion regales everyone with a very embellished version of the game right down to the moment of his victory. Klyn, who arrived just before the meal, scowls from his seat, which only adds to the others’ amusement. It’s the most social I’ve ever seen Legion, but it only makes me more concerned about the secret he shared with me earlier.
He didn’t come out and say he ended the blood bond with Caius for me, but he said he did it after he met me, which tells me enough. The fact that he’s waited to face the Crimson Roses—a gang he’s capable of destroying with one breath of his hellfire—tells me even more.
He’s vulnerable.
Kendall’s vision proves it, though I don’t let myself dwell on her predictions. I can’t. Somewhere along the way, I began to care for the death dragon. The thought of losing him now cuts me deeper than I ever thought possible.
After dinner, Legion and Klyn close themselves in the study. For once, I don’t eavesdrop. Instead, I spend the evening playing board games with Chaya, Kendall, and Bron. The kid’s exhausting, endless wells of energy combined with a chatter that doesn’t stop. Chaya takes it all in stride, even conjuring a small cyclone of wind that knocks Bron off his feet again and again as he tries to push through the force of it. He ends up wearing himself out from laughter more than anything else. By the time Klyn comes to collect him, I’m yawning and thinking only of sleep.
Legion walks me to my room, quiet enough that I wonder what he and Klyn spoke about. But he doesn’t say.
“You were great with Bron,” he tells me.
“That kid is exhausting,” I say.
He chuckles. “It’s a team effort to keep up with him.”
“Where’s his mother?” I ask.
He frowns, his gaze distant as if caught in a memory. “Leah had childbirth complications. She passed away when Bron was a few days old.”
“I’m so sorry. That must be hard for Klyn. Were they mates?”
“Not fated, no. But they were clearly meant for each other. She softened his edges. Now, Bron does that. And we all do what we can to help.”
“You’re his family,” I say, and he nods.