Page 13 of Hunt Me
A glance out my shop window offers a sky streaked in pink and orange as the sun begins to rise over the horizon.
“What’s up?” I ask. “You sound like you just went ten rounds at the gym.”
“Something like that. Can you come by?”
“Now? The sun’s up.”
“We should speak in person. Sooner rather than later.”
I push to my feet, worry coursing through me. Uziah, the vampire who owns Bite Club and sends a considerable amount of business my way, has never asked to see me during the day. “Okay. I’ll be there soon.”
He ends the call, and I hurry toward my house. Inside, I listen carefully and catch the sounds of Kendall’s even breathing. Creeping silently down the hall, I find her sprawled on the couch, her eyes closed and mouth half-open.
I shake my head.
Her perfectly good bed is just down the hall, but she opted for the couch as if that would somehow help me figure things out.
In my room, I throw on a fresh long-sleeved shirt and pants along with a scarf, hat, and gloves. When I’m satisfied I’ve covered as much of my skin as possible, I make my way into the kitchen where Juniper is sitting at the table with a mug cupped in her hands.
“Did you find answers?” she asks.
“No.” I sigh and rub my stiff neck. “Uziah wants to talk. I’m going to the club.”
“Yeah, he sounded weird.”
“Be careful.”
“Keep an eye on her?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you.” I close the door behind me and head for my car parked at the curb. I accepted it as payment from a client a couple of years back. Kendall drives it more than I do, mostly to school and work, but the club is on the far edges of the city, and I’m in no mood for public transport. After tossing food wrappers and three different lip glosses into the backseat, I settle in and head for Uziah’s.
The club sits just off the road at the edge of town, and while it’s not the worst neighborhood, the empty parking lot and eerie quietness that surrounds it make the hair on my neck stand on end.
The large front door is unlocked, though, and I make my way inside cautiously. A guard waves me forward.
“He’s in the back booth,” he says.
“Thanks,” I mutter.
The club lights are all off except for the overhead lighting at the back. Uziah sits in the back booth alone, but I see three more guards hovering near the bar and watching me closely.
“Uziah,” I say as I slide into the booth opposite the male vamp.
He looks back at me with crimson eyes that are framed by a full head of salt-and-pepper hair right down to his bushy eyebrows and full mustache. “It’s good to see you, kid. You want a drink?”
“No, I’m okay. What’s up?”
“Tony, get her a drink,” he says, ignoring my refusal. One of the guards heads around the bar and starts making a drink.
Uziah studies me in a way that has worry creeping in again.
“How’d it go last night?” he asks.
“Last night?”