Page 4 of Giveaway
"Yeah, I love you, too…I guess. Maybe." I bit down on my lower lip. "Oh, and thank you. Sort of. I think. For doing this."
The call disconnected, and as I leaned forward to turn the volume back up and resume Operation Ice Cream Shoveling Into Mouth Hole, I was left with one all-consuming question.
What had I gotten myself into?
I stomped into the staff headquarters, collapsing onto the leather sofa in what, to the untrained eye, might appeared to have been a somewhat overly exaggerated fashion. But to me, it was not only appropriate, it was well justified, too.
There were about five guys in the room already, merrily chatting away after their shifts. Acting normally and not as if their worlds had imploded on them the way mine just had.
"What's the matter with you?" Leo, the owner asked, casting a glance in my direction from the far corner of the room.
He was hunched over his laptop as usual. Seriously, the man never stopped working. Even at ten past midnight. Still, nothing ever got past him. Especially when it came to one of his workers.
It had been nice of him to create this space for us. The resort had just gone through a massive renovation, and what had become the staff headquarters was actually one of the former guest bungalows. Typical ’80s interior design—otherwise known as the decade that good taste forgot—with its gaudy neons alongside nauseating pastels.
A chunky TV set sat in the corner gathering dust, garish tiles lined the floor and the walls were adjourned with tropical palm wallpaper. Yes, three words that should officially be banished forever from the English language.
No wonder the place needed a makeover.
I folded my arms across my chest and huffed. "Nothing."
"It certainly doesn’t seem like nothing," Leo continued gently. "You seem upset."
That was putting it mildly.
I had just been rejected, so I was mightily pissed off, my ego bruised, and my heart had been clenched in my chest ever since I had stormed out of the bar and plopped myself onto this hideously old and fraying brown leather couch.
I let out a heavy breath to calm myself down a bit as I let my eyes travel around the room.
As Leo’s semi-answered question lingered in the air, I became acutely aware that my dramatic entrance had caught everyone's attention.
Miguel, head of housekeeping, had been furiously texting but stopped, his fingers hovering over his cell phone screen as his gaze lingered in my direction.
Joel was standing by himself, staring out into the dark ocean but had twisted around, his bright blue eyes now firmly planted on me.
Even Pierce and Marnus had stopped comparing dick sizes for a minute. I mean that figuratively. Although, every time I saw them, they were glued to each other’s sides and jostling for superiority over something, which I suspected was just a cover to mask their heavy blanket of sexual attraction—even if Marnus was the token straight staff member of the group, and Pierce claimed to hate Marnus more than "Taylor hated Kanye."
My eyes traced back to Leo. He was still peering up at me from his laptop, his face filled with concern.
I had the floor, it seemed. Whether I liked it or not.
I rested my elbows on my knees, pouted, and, without doing it consciously, let out my most whiny, petulant voice. "I didn't get to fuck the guy I wanted to fuck."
My whole body rocked forward.
God did I really just say that?
My eyes shot around the room. Half the guys looked shocked. The other half were throwing me pitying glances.
Yep. I'd said it, all right.
My cheeks flamed. "Sorry, guys. That makes me sound like such a…" I paused for a moment to find the right word.