Page 3 of Single Mom's SEALs
“Of course. You know the drill, honey. Play nice, share, and I’ll be back before you can blink,” I giggle and kiss his forehead, then follow Tanya deeper into the estate.
By the time we reach the executive offices, my eyes are sparkling with awe and wonder. While the exterior is in perfect sync with its natural surroundings, the interior is all high-tech and tasteful luxury, smooth lighting and soft music pouring through discreet, wall-mounted surround-sound speakers.
“Alright, this is where I leave you,” Tanya says. “Once you’re done, you can pick Mikey up from the daycare center and meet me back at the reception desk. Or do you need me to come pick you up from here? I know this place can seem like one big maze at first.”
“Oh, no, I’m good. I can find my way back,” I reply. “Thank you, Tanya.”
“Good luck.”
I nod once and watch her leave, then give myself a moment to study my surroundings. The executive office area is colored in soft grays and plenty of potted plants, while sunlight pours through massive, tinted floor-to-ceiling windows.
There are four doors, three of them bearing plaques with the executives’ names. Kace Magnusson’s office is where I need to be, but the offices of Finn Bass and Elias Campbell are also there. The fourth door is labeled ‘Executive Lounge,’ which Tanya explained is where the three bosses meet on a daily basis.
I knock once before walking into Kace Magnusson’s office with all the confidence that I can muster, hoping that my champagne colored skirt-suit and matching silk top will state without spoken words that I’m a professional. Taupe peep-toes finish off my outfit, my toes painted a smart shell color.
“Good morning, Miss Nikos,” Kace Magnusson greets me as he gets up from behind his large mahogany desk.
“Wait, what the hell?” I blurt out.
I’m shocked. Speechless. Frozen on the spot as I stare at this man and cannot believe my eyes.
“I know, I’m sorry I didn’t reach out before the interview to warn you,” he says.
Kace Magnusson. I say the name over and over in my head, but the man standing before me, this gorgeous man clad in a finely tailored light gray suit… I’ve met him before. I just never knew him as Kace Magnusson, I knew him as K.C. I met him one night, about six years ago. By the stars, he’s just as hot as I remember. Sandy blonde hair cut short on the sides. Piercing blue eyes. Square jawline and confident smirk. Broad shoulders and muscular legs that fill in his suit perfectly.
Oh, God, I can’t believe this.
“As soon as yourrésumé landed on my desk, courtesy of my friend Elias, I knew I had to call you in,” he says, standing in front of the windows while he waits for me to get my bearings. Which I’m struggling to do. “Again, I know, a little warning would’ve made this go a lot smoother, but I wasn’t sure you’d want to do the interview.”
“Um… no, it’s… I need the job,” I manage.
A cold sweat comes over me as I realize what I just said. My ego is already bruised but let that be a lesson. I need a few more deep breaths as I struggle to maintain eye contact. Kace’s gaze wanders up and down my figure, my curvy figure he knows intimately, as we both clearly remember.
My cheeks burn hot. My heart is racing. I didn’t expect this. All I can do is offer a polite smile. “It’s good to see you again,” I say. “And thank you for inviting me here.”
“It’s my pleasure, Amaya,” he says, then nods somewhere to my left. “These are my partners, Finn Bass and Elias Campbell.”
Shit, I didn’t even notice them.
I slowly turn to find two more devastatingly handsome gentlemen sitting in a couple of guest chairs on the other side of the room. They’re big and brawny, just like Kace. Well built, former military, with broad shoulders and a steely vibe emanating from their eyes.
Finn has light red hair and emerald eyes that seem to drill holes into my very soul, a smile testing the corner of his mouth. Elias, on the other hand, strikes me as the mysterious and brooding type with raven colored hair and equally dark eyes.
Looking at the three of them together, the differing aspects of their personalities are easily noticeable simply from their choices of clothing and the way they move and interact with one another.
“Hi,” I say softly. “Sorry. I’m Amaya. Thank you all for this opportunity.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Amaya,” Finn says as he stands up. He comes closer to shake my hand. The minute we touch, I feel a bolt of lightning shoot through me, all of my nerve-endings dancing within. “Kace says you two have met before.”
“We did, yes,” I reply.
I wonder if they know the details of how we met. I was a bartender. He was a patron at the bar, trying to drown away the pain of a devastating break-up. One old-fashioned cocktail led to another, and next thing I knew, K.C. was waiting for me at the end of my shift.
I was instantly drawn to him, and he knew it. He played his cards just right. It was the best night I ever experienced in the company of a man. Our bodies were in perfect sync.
But it was a one-time thing. He left early in the morning, long before I woke up. No number. No contact details whatsoever.