Page 5 of Single Mom's SEALs
“Really?” I reply, my eyes popping wide with excitement.
“You seem to fit the bill better than we expected,” Finn says with a broad smile. “Consider it a three-month trial, but I reckon you’ll get the permanent position, Amaya. Your ethos is a match to ours.”
“Oh, wow, thank you! I won’t let you down.”
As I shake hands with all three of them, I try to keep my cool with each touch, ignoring the millions of tiny currents buzzing through me. This is great. This is the break I’ve been waiting for.
“Elias and I have to go into another meeting now, but we’ll see you again next Monday, if you’re ready to start then,” Finn says.
“Yes, it would be my pleasure.”
“I’ll take you back to the reception desk,” Kace offers as Finn and Elias leave the executive lounge. I stare at him for the longest of seconds, then smile.
“I’m okay. I know the way back, thank you.”
He comes closer, the blue in his eyes glazed in sizzling shadows. I’m paralyzed, unable yet more likely unwilling to move as the scent of his cologne fills my nose. Mandarin blossoms and oriental spices tickle my senses, causing instant heat to pool between my legs. “You’re as beautiful as ever,” he says in a low voice.
“Thanks, I guess.”
“Let me escort you back to the reception desk,” he says again.
“No, no, it’s fine. I know my way back,” I tell him.
“Nonsense, allow me.”
I relent. He leads. I follow.
It’s a natural exchange of energies, his tapping into mine as I allow him to guide me back to the reception building. The magnetism between us—it’s so intense, so uncaring of how much time has passed since we last saw each other. It feels as though it was only last night that we were together, our bodies fused in sheer ecstasy, wrapped in the dark layers of the night. But it’s been six years. I can’t erase that.
Once we reach the reception desk, and Tanya greets me with a smile, I’m suddenly reminded of my son. Kace’s son. Our son. Shit. Too late.
“Miss Nikos trusted us with her son during her interview,” Tanya politely informs her boss.
Hearing that, Kace turns around, giving me an understandably confused look at the exact same time a retreat employee is approaching with Mikey from the daycare center.
“Momma!” Mikey exclaims, lighting up like the sun as he rushes into my arms.
“Hey, honey!” I giggle and let him hug me while the nice lady from daycare waves goodbye. “Did you have fun?”
“Yeah, they have playdough!” my little man declares.
“You have a son,” Kace says, a statement more than a question, unable to take his eyes off of Mikey.
My heart is pounding. I’m terrified that he’s going to figure it out. How could he not? Mikey is the spitting image of Kace Magnusson. “Yeah,” I manage.
“How old is he?” Kace asks.
“Uh, four,” I lie and instantly feel terrible about it, but my brain is just trying to protect me.
“I’m five!” Mikey corrects me. “Silly Momma!”
I nervously laugh as I take my son’s hand. “They grow up so fast! Anyway, thank you so much for this job opportunity! I’ll see you all on Monday.”
“Wait, Amaya, let me help—” Kace tries to join us, but I’m already bolting for the doors.
“No, no, it’s cool, we can manage,” I shoot back. “Have a great week!”
Mikey looks back at him. I can only imagine what’s going through Kace’s mind right about now, but I’ve already fumbled the ball once, and I can’t afford any further tension or issues at this point in time. My son’s paternity will have to wait. For now, I need the job and I need some peace and quiet.