Page 18 of Outnumbered
“You handled the reporters really well,” I commented.
Caleb shrugged. “They were nearly a constant when I was growing up. My dads talked me through how to handle them when I was young. Plus, it helps to know they’re just curious about our lives since they don’t get to see much of it.”
“I’ll let you all handle talking to them,” Branson grumbled.
“You’re a shy one, huh?” Ezio asked. “Funny for a large guy.”
“Not shy, just don’t like answering questions about my personal life. It’s none of their business why I’m in this pack or dating Ember.”
“Did you decide about your name yet?” Caleb asked.
“Oh, what alternate name were you offered?” Triston asked. “You haven’t told me yet.”
“Rubyhare Ember Jasperwood was the new name Silverowl offered,” I said. “I’m not sure what I want to do. Part of me wants to change it, but part of me also wonders if I should accept the name even if I don’t want to accept anything from my birth parents.” It wasn’t that I didn’t like Rubyhare as a name, I actually did like it a lot, but I just wasn’t certain what I wanted yet.
“What did rew mean again?” Branson asked.
“It’s a description of her rabbit form, red-eyed white furred,” Caleb answered.
My eyes widened as I turned to look at him. “How did you know that?”
“I did a lot of searching for information on rabbits. Figured if I’m dating a rabbit shifter that it would be helpful to know more about you.”
“We should make a shared document,” Branson said. “So, we can all discuss and share the information.”
Caleb nodded. “I’ll create one and put it on our shared drive.”
“You have a shared drive?” I asked.
“Now that we’re on the same phone plan and part of a pack, we set up a shared drive to upload important information,” Triston explained. “Much easier than emailing each other constantly.”
Branson and Caleb nodded.
We pulled up to the club and as usual, there was a line wrapped down the block.
Ezio put the vehicle in park, walked around, and opened the door for us, his hand out to help me step down. “Big smile,” he told me, giving me one himself. “You’re going to go inside and have a ton of fun.”
I put on a big smile, nodded, and accepted his hand out of the vehicle.
People murmured as they saw me, unsure of who I was.
The murmuring turned into screams as Caleb stepped out and smoothed his hands down his shirt. He took my hand from Ezio and interlocked our fingers. With a wink, he pulled me towards the entrance.
The bouncer immediately pulled the rope to the side, bowing as we walked inside.
Women called Caleb’s name, trying to get his attention, but he ignored them all, eyes forward as we headed inside.
The doorman opened the door with a bow as well and I wondered if he hated them bowing or enjoyed it. I’d ask him later.
Inside music played loudly and a soft scent of cinnamon permeated the air.
A slim man with slicked back hair rushed to us and bowed. “Your Highness, your table is ready.” He spun on his heel and lead us to the VIP section. The VIP section was four u-shaped black padded booths with large low circular tables in the middle. Each of the four was sectioned off by red ropes and the entire four were surrounded by guards and more ropes to prevent people from entering who weren’t supposed to.
We sat in the third table, I scooted into the middle of the u-shape, Branson on my left. Caleb leaned over the ropes to shake hands with someone at the table beside ours.
“Nephew!” a voice shouted from the booth on the other side of ours and a head of curly hair popped up as he stood, pushing around his friends to get to the rope that separated us.
I knew immediately he was related to Rhys because he looked like a younger version of him.