Page 22 of Outnumbered
Triston shifted into his warrior form and stood between me and the battle. “He’s obviously after you.”
“I know,” I whispered and straightened. Gathering my magic, I used my telekinesis to raise two of the tables, keeping them parallel to each other.
“What are you doing?” Triston asked, eyeing the tables.
“Protecting my pack and swatting an annoying fly,” I growled and strode forward, heading towards the fight, the tables hovering high in the air before me.
The man noticed me and ducked around Branson’s punch, running fast at me.
Apparently, he hadn’t noticed the tables.
Slapping my palms together, I sent the tables at him from either side, crushing him between them.
He cried out and tried to get free, but I interlocked my fingers, keeping the tables crushing him. Only his head was above the tables and his feet dangled uselessly below them, but above the ground, kicking to try to find purchase.
“How dare you ruin my date night,” I growled at him and pushed my palms harder against each other.
The tables creaked from the strain and the man cried out again.
“You must die,” he yelled. “Death to all hybrids.”
“Holy shit, Ember,” Branson breathed.
“Are you part of the H.E.?” Caleb asked as he approached the man.
Ezio ran inside in his warrior form, spotted us, and ran over to stand beside Caleb. “Status?”
“Ember, how long can you hold this?” Riddick asked.
“Not much longer,” I admitted.
The man smiled and said, “Your days are numbered, hybrid whore.”
“No, your breaths are,” Caleb snarled, pulled a sword out of thin air, and sliced his head off.
I dropped the tables and fell to my knees, panting.
Riddick picked me up and cradled me against his chest. “You did great, Ember.”
“Riddick, I think I’m going to faint.”
“It’s okay, we’ve got you,” he whispered.
My vision wavered and ears started ringing.
Caleb walked over to me and set his hand on my head. The ringing lessened and my vision straightened. “You used too much magic again,” he chastised me.
“He pissed me off,” I said softly and smiled at him. “And he tried to kill me so it only seemed fair I try to kill him back.”
“Squishing him between tables was a smart move,” Caleb said and nodded. “Since he couldn’t use his hands, he couldn’t create another spell.”
“Let’s get you all home,” Ezio said. “This place is too exposed and we don’t know if he came alone or not.”
Caleb kissed the side of my head and nodded at Riddick. “Let’s go.”
We headed towards the front doors, but I said, “Put me down.”
“Why?” Riddick asked. “You’re weakened right now.”