Page 62 of Outnumbered
“I will only send our people through,” I promised with a nod. “I can use my telekinesis to hold them back long enough for the portal to close.”
“Well, that’s the plan, anyway,” Jolie said. “Can we practice again?”
“Yeah, now that I am prepared for what we’re doing,” Leona said with a shake of her head. “Warn me next time, you brats.”
“Hey, I’m going to drop you through a portal,” I said, opened the portal beneath her feet, and dropped her into the backyard.
She yelped as she fell and yelled from the backyard, “Bitch!”
Jolie bent over, howling with laughter, and tears falling down her face. I did the same to her, earning a, “Fuck,” as she fell and laughter from Leona.
Walking around the house, a huge smile on my face, I knew today was going to be a good day.
“This bitch,” Jolie said and wiped her eyes.
“So, answer me this,” Leona said as she stared down at the portal opening that I had just created. “When are you going to admit you are in love with those boys?”
I made Jolie fall through her portal first so she couldn’t hear me reply, “When all four confirm they have feelings.”
“Wait, who confessed?” she asked as she fell through.
Instead of walking around the house again, I teleported myself to them. “Let’s talk about something else,” I mumbled.
“One of them confessed in what way?” Jolie asked. “That they love you or that they want to take you as their mate?”
“Those are definitely two different confessions,” Leona agreed with a nod.
“Two of them confessed both,” I admitted. “Now, I’ve answered your questions, so let’s get back to portals.”
“Wait!” they both shouted.
“What did you say back?”
“They didn’t let me respond,” I grumbled. “One had a hand over my mouth to keep me from replying.”
“Details, girl, details!” Leona shouted. “How did this come about?”
“Funny you should use that phrasing,” I whispered, my cheeks heating. This was not a conversation I wanted to have with Jolie present.
“Who was it? Was it Triston and Caleb?” Leona asked.
“I’m not going to tell you who it was,” I said and folded my arms across my chest. “All you get to know is two of them said they love me and want to mate with me, but since they hadn’t discussed it all together, they couldn’t say how the other two feel.”
“Have you told any of them that you love them?” Jolie asked.
“Why not?” Leona asked.
Creating two more portals, I sent them to the backyard again.
I sighed and yelled, “Because I’m a chicken!”
“No, you’re a rabbit who can apparently create portals,” Nico said behind me.
“Oh, shit. Busted!” Jolie yelled from the backyard.
Turning around, I smiled nervously. “Um, hi.”