Page 23 of The Alpha's Quest
“You wanna join us for breakfast?”
I let him lead the way, then fall into step beside him as we get closer. Eventually, he twists his lip into a half-snarl.
“Would I learn that kind of thing at the boot camp Rex Jones runs?” He doesn’t look at me, just concentrates on the path in front of us. “Lots of the guys are tough and willing, but we just haven’t had the formal training.”
It’s a shame. Most of these guys would be great under the right leadership.
“You would, but I don’t think they’ll accept any applications from this pack for a while.” That’s an understatement. It was two guests from this pack that kidnapped Leah while at Rex’s bootcamp, and used their visit as cover for breaking Toby out of jail. Somehow, I think the Anderson pack is on Rex’s black list. “I can teach you, and when everything around here calms down a bit, I’m sure you’ll be able to apply again.”
My eyes land on the row of flashy cars parked up outside as we climb the stairs, pausing at the front door of the packhouse. “Or better yet, instead of buying everyone new cars, we could put the money towards training them properly to do their jobs.”
He gives me some serious side-eye for my bitter tone, then looks back toward the training ground. Most have lost interest, deciding to go and get breakfast before it’s all gone.
Nervously scanning for anyone eavesdropping, he pulls me to the side, leans in and speaks quietly, “I heard what happened to that girl, the human one. It’s not right. I never liked Mike, but I never thought… that was taking it too far. It was supposed to be about getting the money, not hurting anyone.” Shaking his head, he picks up his water bottle and takes a long drink. “Watch your back, Ethan. Not everyone is happy to have you here.”
Rubbing my chest hard to ease the dull ache there, my thoughts go to Belle. I won’t let her get caught in the middle of this. I’ll go to see Alpha Anderson and then find a way to speak to her again, privately. My wolf craves her. I need her.
Somehow, I need to find a way to get her alone.
Stopping at a set of wrought iron gates, I push up my sunglasses and wait. The security camera I can see pointing down at the entrance has surely picked up my presence and I expect someone to come along any minute. While I wait, I pull out my phone and fire a text message to Ethan.
BELLE: I’m fine. I’ll check in again tomorrow to let you know I’m safe.
Immediately setting my phone on silent and burying it in the bottom of my bag, I stare at the bright green forest in front of me. The scenery on the drive here was incredible, and this high up in the mountains, everything seems to be more vibrant. I can see why Ethan loves it here so much. My wolf is dying to get out and explore.
As the seconds tick by, my reasons for being here seem more and more ridiculous. Somehow, I need to know more about what kind of man Ethan is before I can decide whether it was a good idea to put my heart in his hands like this. Is showing up at his doorstep while he’s away really the only way?
He might just be dazzling me with orgasms, how can I be sure he’s not stringing me along? That he’s not trying to secure the top position by marking Lucia?
I want to think that’s not the case, and would I really learn that here anyhow? It’s not like Ethan’s family is going to tell me anything anyway. We’re not even mated for goodness’ sake. They’ll probably send me packing.
My palms sweat where I grip the steering wheel as my brain screams at me to turn around and leave. This is a terrible idea. I’m going to embarrass myself when we’re not even officially together.
The chain Ethan gave me sits cool against my skin and I run a finger along it, begrudgingly admitting that I love it. It means a lot that he gave me something to keep us connected while we’re at odds. I rub my chest, trying to ease the pain that comes from the distance between us. We’ve consummated the mating. We’re not marked, but the tenuous strands of our lifelong bond have started to twist together. Which is why I need to figure this all out quickly.
I’m still debating whether to stay or leave when a tall shifter emerges from the trees and gestures for me to lower my window.
“What can I do for you?” He’s not unfriendly, but he’s clearly suspicious of the unknown vehicle and unexpected visitor inside it. Folding his arms over his chest, he notes the registration and subtly takes in my scent, committing it to memory. I don’t blame him for being wary given everything they’ve been through lately.
“I’m here, um, to see um…” The longer I stumble over my words, the more concerned he looks. When he inches back from the car and his eyes glaze over, calling for reinforcements, I curse inwardly.
“You’re not on the list. I think it’s best if you head on out and make an appointment with whoever it is you want to see.” It’s not a suggestion, he’s telling me to leave, albeit very politely. Damn it. I open my mouth to protest, but he’s already decided I’m up to something, there’s no way I’m getting past. I’ll probably be on some kind of pack alert within the hour.
“Fine.” With my training, I should know better than to act shifty around the guards when they’re so on edge. Plus, Hayley is expecting a baby; Cooper wouldn’t take any chances with strangers near the pack house.
Turning around under the watchful stare of the guard, joined by a dark wolf lurking in the shadows, I head back toward town. What am I going to do now? If I go home to my pack, I’ll be questioned about why I’m not still at Liv’s. Cole is too observant. If he hasn’t left on his mission yet, he won’t let up until he finds out what’s wrong.
Cruising down the quaint main street, I spot a small cafe and decide maybe caffeine and some food will help me think. I don’t have anywhere to be and I’m drawn to finding out as much as I can about Grey Ridge.
Pushing inside, a small bell jingles and I smile at the cheerful sound. Behind the counter, a teenage girl pushes back her glasses with an icing sugar covered finger and dusts her hands off on her apron.
“What can I get for you?”
My stomach rumbles loudly and I wince. I should have taken breakfast when Will offered it this morning. Suddenly, I’m absolutely starving.