Page 104 of Taming 7
“Actually, I have a job, so I’m not completely useless.”
“Yeah.” She snorted. “A pity position at your mammy’s bakery.”
“Where’s your job at, Liz?” Gerard demanded. “Huh? The fuck are you doing with your life?”
“Actually, we’ve been babysitting,” Shannon offered up, clearly trying to diffuse the situation.
“Babysitting?” Gerard arched a brow. “Together?”
“Uh, yeah,” Shannon explained, cheeks turning bright pink. “It’s a little business venture we started working on during the summer.” Smiling, she added, “It’s really starting to take off.”
“Got a problem with that, Thor?” Lizzie was quick to ask, glaring at him.
“With Shannon babysitting?” He shook his head. “Not a one. She’s perfect for the role.”
“So, it’s just me you have an issue with?”
“It’s just you.”
“Guys,” Shannon groaned, placing her hand on Lizzie’s. “Please don’t.”
“Care to evaluate?”
He leaned back in his seat and folded his big arms across his chest. “I wouldn’t leave you in charge of my hedgehog, let alone a child.”
“I’m a good judge of character.”
“Meaning exactly that.”
“So, you don’t think I’m capable of looking after a child?”
“If I recall correctly, my sister babysat you an awful lot when we were kids.”
“Thanks for the trip down memory lane.”
“And you liked it when she babysat you.”
“Did I?”
“Oh my god, guys!” I snapped, throwing my hands up in frustration. “Just stop it, will you?”
“You stop it,” Lizzie snapped back, meeting my glare head-on with an even angrier one of her own. “Stop letting that asshole walk all over you.”
“He’s not,” I groaned, imploring her with my eyes to hear me.
“Yes, he is!”
“What in the name of Christ are you talking about?” Gerard snapped, running a hand through his hair. “I congratulated our friend on getting her first job. Yeah, our friend. Last time I checked, that wasn’t a method of seduction. But you still somehow manage to fly off the handle!”
“Don’t try to make out like I’m crazy, Thor,” Lizzie spat back. “We all know what you’re doing here. I’m just the only one with the balls to say it.”
“I’m not trying to make you out to be crazy, Lizzie,” Gerard shot back, eyes bulging. “I don’t need to, because the whole fucking world can see it plain as day.”