Page 146 of Taming 7
“So?” A familiar chuckle came from the shower area. “You’ve seen my ladder before.”
My heart raced harder at that. “Uh, not from that angle, I haven’t.”
“What’s up, Claire-Bear?”
“I’ve been trying to get ahold of you all day,” I explained, feeling a ridiculous amount of relief at being in his company again. “You are a hard man to track down, Gerard Gibson.”
“I saw you at school.”
“No,” I corrected, hand still clamped over my eyes as the damp perspiration on the tiles at my back began to seep into my school uniform. “I waved to you in the hallway between classes, and you waved back. That’s not the same thing.” Blowing out a shaky breath, I forced myself to address the elephant in the room. “Where the hell were you last night? I came over and you were gone. And Mark was there!”
The sound of flowing water abruptly stopped.
“Gerard?” I called out when he didn’t respond. “Did you hear me?”
“Yeah, I heard you.” His voice was closer now. “And yeah, I know.” I felt his hand brush past against my arm, and it caused my entire body to ignite in a hot flush. “Sorry.” I felt his hand on my hip, gently steering me to one side. “My towel is on the hook behind you.”
“Okey dokey,” I squeaked out, feeling my face grow hot from the knowledge that his naked body was so close to me. It was more than just that, though, because I wanted to open my fingers and peek. Not just peek. I wanted to touch. Remembering how it felt in my room last night when his big body was pressed against mine and his fingers were deep inside me…
“All clear.” I felt him gently peel my hand away from my eyes. “The ladder is safely tucked away.”
When I blinked my eyes open, I found that to be regrettably true. The white towel wrapped around his narrow hips was proof to that pudding.
Aw, crackers.
Feeling weak, I slumped against the tiles at my back. “So, Mark’s back, huh?”
“Apparently so.”
“You didn’t know?”
“Nope,” Gerard replied, resting a hand against the wall at my back. “No clue.”
Breath catching in my throat, I swallowed deeply and offered him a small smile, desperately trying to ignore the heat flooding every inch of my body. “Are you okay?”
“Of course.” He smiled, but it didn’t meet his eyes. “I’m always okay.”
“You didn’t come over last night.” I shrugged, feeling helpless. “It was…” I didn’t like it. “Weird.”
“Yeah, sorry about that.” Exhaling shakily, Gerard reached up with his free hand and pushed his damp curls off his brow. “You were dealing with Lizzie, and I, ah, I had to get away.”
“So, where’d you go?”
Feeling slightly bereft at his response, I forced another big smile.
He smiled back at me, but again, it didn’t meet his eyes.
Aw, crackers.
I didn’t like this. Not one bit. Because Gerard might be physically standing in front of me, with nothing but a towel covering him, but internally he had several layers wrapped around his heart. “Talk to me, Gerard.”
“About what?”