Page 216 of Taming 7
“Ah, I don’t fucking see why not?” Gerard huffed, moving to my side. “Heads-up, Claire-Bear, these two inconsiderate bastards are jetting off to oui, Paris without us.” Huffing out a breath, he swiped Shannon’s mouse ears and perched them on top of his head before turning back to me. “See this? Take a good look, baby, because unfortunately, this is the closest you’re going to get to Mickey this Christmas, because unlike Mister Limitless Cash Flow over there”—he paused to jab a thumb in Johnny’s direction before continuing—“your stud muffin can only afford to take you to see Santa.”
“Aww!” Swooning, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “You’re taking me to see Santa?”
“Ho, ho, ho, Claire-Bear.” Waggling his brows, Gerard hooked an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. “And if you’re really good, then maybe we can…”
“Oh my god!” Releasing a furious scream, Lizzie threw the glass she was holding, causing it to smash to pieces the moment it connected with the wall. “Can you both shut the fuck up!”
You could have heard a pin drop it.
The entire room went deathly quiet.
“Gibs,” Johnny said, offering Gerard a subtle nod when he opened his mouth to speak. “Not worth it, lad.”
“I know that,” Gerard ground out. “She’s the one who won’t make peace.”
“Peace?” Lizzie choked out, voice thick with emotion. “You honestly expect me to make peace with the brother of my sister’s rapist?” She sneered. “The same brother with blood on his hands?” Narrowing her eyes, she spat out, “You supported him. You backed him up when I was supposed to be your friend. I would rather slit my wrists than ever make peace with you!”
“I didn’t back him up,” Gerard roared, losing his cool. “Believe me when I tell you there is no one on this planet who despises that bastard more than me.”
“Keep telling yourself that, Thor. See if it’ll help with your guilty conscience.”
“I’m not listening to this.”
“Because you’re guilty.”
“And you’re wrong!”
“I’m right and you know it.”
“Fuck you, Liz.”
“Fuck you right back. I don’t care if there wasn’t enough evidence for the DPP to make a case against him. I know the truth. I read it with my own eyes. So, don’t you dare stand here and lie to my face. Unlike you, I have the ability to read a fucking letter, asshole.”
“Hey!” Johnny snapped. “Don’t fucking go there.”
“Oh, that’s right, Captain Fantastic,” she choked out. “Protect your lapdog.”
“Johnny, wait. Please don’t. She’s hurting so bad right now,” Shannon said, trying to plead her case, but Johnny shook his head.
“Shan, I love you, baby, but I’m not the audience for her narrative.”
And that was that.
Our leader had taken sides.
The line was drawn in the sand, and after months of trying to keep the peace and appease his girlfriend, Johnny Kavanagh had taken his rightful place beside his teammate.
“You need to stop talking,” Johnny warned, taking a defensive stance in front of Gerard. “And back off.”
“You started this, not him,” I threw out there before Lizzie could change the narrative. “You shouted, you threw the cup, and you brought it up.”
“Why are you always siding with him?” she screamed. “I’m supposed to be one of your best friends.”
“And I’m supposed to be one of yours,” I shouted back at her. “But you’ve spent the past two months dictating how I should live and then talking down to me like I’m a child for making decisions that don’t fit your perfect narrative.”
“You know what happened.”